Characters in this post

View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Candice Kane

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Garth

View character profile for: Molly Willis

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black
This is where Jacky's soul snaps like a Twix bar.
"Am I the only one around here who finds this entire place completely FAKE?" Jacky asked after a moment of silence.
"What?" Jay asked.
"We land here. We meet Molly by way of complete universal anomaly. Jaxx goes through an identity crisis TWICE, then we meet not only humanoid musical rapists, but also blue demons and 2 more crew members." Jacky explained.
"And I saw a dinosaur." Alex commented.
"And Alex saw a dinosaur!" Jacky repeated. "This place is insane, and coming from a member of THIS crew, is quite a statement to make! And what about the GELFs, Jay? Cass is in danger, and I understand the urgency you feel, but we can't forget that their entire civilization is OUR responsibility! I suggest we find Cass and the GELFs, and then figure out just what the HELL this place is!"
The others watched the aggravated Jacky in silence.
"AND..." he began. "While I'm on the subject, this is mine." Jacky grabbed the pistol from Eveline.
"Yours?" Jaxx asked.
"Yes, Jaxx. Mine. My future self gave it to me and informed me that I'd have to shoot someone that I'd dearly regret shooting. Smegged if I know who! Do you have any idea how STRESSFUL that is? Knowing that at some point you have no CHOICE but to shoot someone? I'm a pacifist, for smeg's sake! I don't use violence unless it's completely necessary! You can't just hand me a gun! and let me just add that this thing has only one shot. I CHECKED. Don't you think that--"
Jacky was cut off by the loud BANG of the pistol. It shot clear through a nearby crab. There was a long silence.
"He was taking the piss." Jacky said with a sigh, dropping the gun. "Why am I such an asshole in the future?"
"We can only speculate." White Wolf said, placing a paw on Jacky's back. The others looked at him.
"Well..." Jacky said, clearing his throat and looking at Eveline and Jade.. "My name's Jacky. So, uh, how about we never speak of this again?"