We need help.

As the day drew on into evening the odd band of companions sat and ate round the fire, but spoke little. Kespin seemed more comfortable sitting outside of the mouth of the cave, and for the time at least had ceased his staring to bury his face in that mysterious book of his.

Balar and Majvok both sat in brooding silence. Being touched by magic was never a straightforward thing for humans and they both seemed to be chewing over the events of the past few days in the way that human men all to often did. In a sulky silence.

Luna also had been quiet since the curing of those two, but in her case it was sheer exhaustion from the battle earlier that day and the following expense of magic. Even for the elder races power always came at a price.

Tiella however was feeling great. She had used the last of the daggers magic to heal Balars wounds now the conflicting shadow magic was removed. The magic of her dagger exacted a different price, it left her feeling alive and alert, filled with energy... and hungering for more. It was a familiar struggle however and She fought it down for the moment.

She looked over to Balar, Majvok and then Luna considering the insurmountable task ahead of them and then making a decision she turned to Erik with a sigh. She hated herself in that moment, she should tell the other three to leave, she should encourage Dyvia to go and even old Kespin. They should all get as far away from this God's blasted quest as possible. She said none of that. What she said was,

"We need help."

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