
Balar stood to address the group, "Tiella is right we do need help and we will take all of you for as long as you will stand with us, no matter how crazy," he said glancing to Kespin, "Or how reluctant you may be." he looked at the Dyvia for the last.

"I suggest we spend the night in the safety of this camp and head out at first light to the City of Treno to pick up supplies. Dyvia if you still wish to leave us when we arrive then we will not blame you."

"But if you do not," Tiella cut in, "I make you an offer, I will teach you the secrets of my blade, of the enchantments it contains. With that knowledge your fame as a crafter of weapons would grow greater still."

"Regardless," Balar continued, "From Treno we head north to the Elmar Mountains where we will seek the Necromancer."

"What kind of place is this Treno?" Luna asked.

"It is not part of Ceyemar," Balar answered, "The City is built under the shadow of the mountains and its western walls overlook the ocean. It is a free City and all races are welcomed there, though magic is forbidden within the walls. I suggest we seek a tavern and try to find rumour of our Necromancer before heading blindly into the north."

"Enough talk," Majvok growled as he rubbed his sore cheek, "They will help us or they will not, either way I am bloody tired and need a good nights rest."

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