Shade for the Shadow talker

Kespin rummaged through the merchants wagon as well. There wasn't too much to work with. He found a stiff hard shaft that was used for holding the canopy. He held it next to him and looked as if he was measuring it.

"Nice! The perfect size," he walked in a wide circle around the group humming a random tune. He stopped and then looked at the group who were staring at him, wondering what the fool was doing now. "This reminds me of a staff I once had, the perfect walking stick!" He continued to walk and hum in the same large circle around the group as they went along with their business.

After he made his third circle around the group he stopped at the wagon again. Humming the song he had began that morning at the camp he pulled out some pieces of wood and part of the wagons canopy. He was attaching the pieces together with some sort of other material found from under the busted up seats of the wagon.

After a short while he called out to Erik.

"Erik, Mister Jotun fine sir?" He asked. "Could you come here please?"

Unhappily and uninterested in the little man, Erik walked over to him. Kespin jumped up to try and whisper to the giant a couple of times, but realizing it was a moot effort he just spoke quietly.

"If the shadow talker will not accept your cloak, and will not want aid for just herself, will you be so kind as to hold this above us all to shade us on our journey?"

Erik looked at what the little man had created. Using one hand the giant lifted in the air what looked like the rattiest and most awkward looking parasol any of them had ever seen. Kespin just stood looking proud, one hand on his new staff and the other on his hip.

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