Figuring it out

He took a moment to let it all sink in. "Liston, I am not trying to take over or be the team leader I am just trying to have a plan and get us started," said JD. "Well, I have talked enough. Do you guys want to say something?" asked JD.

The part about everyone taking a section they were good with made sense. Kyle agreed but added " I think it might be good if we met before deciding who does what. We might want to split some of the areas by pairs."

Some of the things, like the accounting, made sense to be more individualized and others like marketing that might be better in pairs. Either way, meeting to have an idea of what people wanted to do made sense.

Doug just listened to get an idea of who he was working with before speaking. "That all sounds fine."

Dawn was relieved her brother wasn't being unreasonable about it, if a little surprised. Maybe, it wouldn't be so bad but still she had a nagging feeling that something was going to go wrong.

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