Image of Douglas Wilson Jefferson

Summary: Snob, Bully, Rich Kid That Wants To Be Richer.

Douglas Wilson Jefferson

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Gender: Male

Age: 17

Group: Junior Students




Doug is a student.

Rich Kid/Scholoarships Student

Rich Kid

Physical Appearance

6'3", muscular build. He is very athletic and his build reflects that. He easily attracts women. Not just high school girls but older women.

Personality and interests

Doug is an athletic money oriented snob. He thinks he's better than almost anyone and only hangs with the popular rich kids. He accepted by them easily but keeps everyone superficial level.

Doug uses people and thinks nothing of playing a girl until she gives in and he gets what he wants then he dumps her. He can play the long game for this but if he really feels like there no chance of getting what he wants he'll drop her sooner.

He doesn't just use girls though. He uses his family and friends and really thinks nothing of it. He thinks he's so great that it's an honor to be in his presence.

His interests are sports. He's remarkably good at football and basketball and there already have been some college scouts looking at him. His other interests include money, making money, and how to make more money. Status is very important to him and he does things, like drive a very expensive car or wears expensive clothes, when he doesn't have to be in a uniform, to prove how rich and upper crust he really is.

He thinks nothing of bullying people and he'll do so viciously at times. Sometimes, it's a one-time thing, other times he hones in on someone and the bullying is relentless.


Morgana and Joesphine meet in college in the early '90s and were instantly attracted to each other. Morgana had known for years she was a lesbian but Joesphine was still discovering her sexuality. It took some time but eventually, they became a couple.

After college, they moved to Las Vegas where Joesphine's father owned a casino on the strip. Josephine became the General Manager and Morgana was put in charge of the accounting department.

The casino did exceptionally well, so much so that when her father decided to retire and when he did he gave the business to his daughter to run. Josephine loved everything about working at the casino but Morgana wanted something else. She actually had a social work degree and decided to leave the casino to pursue that field instead.

The couple was living together and wanted to add to their family. They discussed options and decided to adopt; after all, there were a lot of children in need of homes. Rather than going for an infant, they adopted a 4-year-old boy named Doug.

Doug had been abandoned at the age of 3 and with that came some issues but his moms were willing to work through those, as they were expected. He seemed really sweet, at first. He was the center of attention for two years and loved every moment of it.

It was then his parents decided to add another child to the family. Once again they decided to adopt. However, this time they adopted a set of 3-year-old fraternal twins.

Doug was instantly jealous and wanted nothing to do with his new little baby brother and sister. He resisted that they had come into his house and took away the attention that belonged to him. It was about this time that his moms started getting calls from the school about how he shoved a kid or teased another kid.
As the twins grew: he began to bully them as well. His sister, Dawn, got the least of it. It was just harder to bully her. His brother, Zander, however, was a nerd and who Doug targeted relentlessly. It didn't help matters that Dawn and Zander were very close or that Zander got to skip a few grades because of how intelligent he was.
Doug continued to get into trouble until his Moms decided he needed to go someplace away from Vegas. Someplace stricter than the schools he had been attending.

Favourite Sayings

"If it's not expensive I don't want it."
"Hey, nerd."

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Character questions

Recent Activity

Image of Douglas Wilson Jefferson
Mentioned in the post Doug and Guns May 19, 2024, 4:03pm
Mentioned in the post After Apr 21, 2024, 9:34pm
Mentioned in the post Insanity and Heroes Apr 21, 2024, 9:31pm
Mentioned in the post At The Club Apr 14, 2024, 7:22pm
Mentioned in the post Timber Arrives Apr 1, 2024, 5:52pm
Mentioned in the post Who Lurks Apr 1, 2024, 3:02pm
Mentioned in the post Show Time Mar 31, 2024, 10:54pm
Mentioned in the post Good By Elena Howard Feb 20, 2024, 3:37pm
Mentioned in the post Let’s Rock the Night Feb 10, 2024, 9:55pm
Mentioned in the post His Song Remains The Same Jan 5, 2024, 5:40pm
Updated character profile Jan 15, 2021, 10:31pm
Updated character profile Aug 12, 2020, 11:04pm
Updated character profile Aug 12, 2020, 10:41pm
Updated character profile Aug 12, 2020, 10:41pm
Updated character profile Aug 12, 2020, 10:41pm
Updated character profile Aug 12, 2020, 10:41pm
Updated character profile Aug 12, 2020, 10:41pm
Updated character profile Aug 12, 2020, 10:38pm
Mentioned in the post