Digital Haze

Jack nodded like an idiot as his poor brain was still rebooting from Ashley's kiss. By the time she left for her Speech class his brain managed to reboot and he realized he was going to be late for class. So he began racing to his computer class. As he got to the class room he saw a few familiar faces like Heath, Rose and Sam.

Heath made his way to his computer graphics class where he ran into Sam and Rose. The three of them talked for a little while as they found their seats. It was then that Sam excused herself for a moment and made her way to where the nerds were. Saying to them. "There is going to be a beach party, all weekend. School sanctioned so I'm sure you'll get notices about it. Everyone is invited. Some of the girls are going on a shopping trip later in the week."

Sam then made her way back to Heath and Rose. "Just spreading the word." She said as she sat back down.

Jack was finally free from Ashley but the kiss was now stuck on his mind. He hated her so why did he linger on her the sensation of her lips? What was so great about her soft sensual lips? Just because she smelled good and had a good figure, that was no reason to stop hating her. She was an evil bully who tormented him and made him antisocial, so shouldn't matter that she let him glimpse up her skirt or down her blouse without getting upset. Sadly Jack was now torn as his body was in favor of accepting Ashley's affections while his mind was clinging to the torment he received from her. Jack rubbed his temples and took a deep breath before he was reminded of the bruise Ashley left him a few minutes ago. It was a cruel reminder of her harsh idea of love. How could he love or trust someone who still bullied him? Was he turning into one of those guys who likes getting beat up? He needed to clear his mind as he turned on his computer to log on.

Sam was the type to bring home lost animals to her parents. She'd be playing in the backyard and suddenly at the backdoor with a stray cat or dog or well one time a raccoon that had wandered into their yard. She could never keep them but her parents would help the animal.

Of course, she had no idea how Jack would respond to her but she was willing to take that risk.

Jack mostly kept to himself during class and somehow manage to distract himself with the class assignment. It felt nice to not think about Ashley and her underhanded schemes for a change. Oddly enough he even managed to forget about his sore knee as he was working on the bonus options for his assignment. Apparently if you finished the assignment early you could get get extra credit for several smaller tasks. To help him focus he used his earbuds to block out the noise of the other students talking to each other. He enjoyed the silence as he worked quietly by himself. In fact if it wasn't for the teacher telling him class ended he would be late for PE class.


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