Walking Back

"Girl! where did you come from?" Conner said turning to see her.

"The gym. Basketball practice. " She smiled. "My plane was delayed. I didn't get in until today."

Conner mentioned the snobs got the other girl and Courtney nodded. "They are so obnoxious."

Introductions were made. "Well, it's nice to meet ya.'

"Long as it doesn't hurt by the beach day thingy it's okay." Jocelyn said getting up to leave. "Wouldn't say no to people walking me back to my locker and to my dorm in case my foot hurts to much to keep walking" she adds. "I can just shower later."

"I would be happy to walk with you, nothing like walking with a cute girl to brighten the day," Says Conner with a cute smile. He walked beside her "so are you going to the beach party?" he asked. then turned to Courtney "I know you're going, Courtney. I hope" he said. then looking forward this is turning out to be a great day walking with two Hotties." he said cheerfully.

"Sure enough, I can walk with ya." True to her word Courtney started walking with Jocelyn and Conner. Conner could, after all, only go as far as the entrance to the girl's dorms. The other girl might need help after that.

Her feet were walking but her mind was thinking about the snobs and how nice if they were brought down a peg or two. Nothing too serious but they were just so obnoxious. It was in the midst of this thought she heard Conner ask about the beach party. "Oh, beach party. I'll be there." She paused. "I got a surfboard over summer break."

The girl, from Tennesse, had no idea how to surf but that had never stopped her before.

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