Like Flying (Part Two)

Sunday Afternoon Beach Party

The date with JD, Rose, Conner and Kaylee continued.

JP with Redsword and Cindy

Rose had picked up her chopsticks but shook her head and pushed down any embarrassment so she wouldn't blush but she didn't know what to say.

Kaylee cast a sideways glance at Conner and because she wasn't thinking about it, her words slipped out, in French. "Dessert, hein Eh bien, bon sang si j'avais su que j'aurais peut-être apporté du sirop de chocolat." (Dessert, huh? Well, darn if I had known that I might have brought some chocolate syrup.) She took a sip of her soda, realizing what she had said and wondering if Conner understood it. "Oh, sorry. My brain is still in French mode." That's what happened when she spent her whole summer around her French relatives and hadn't been back that long.

Rose looked over at Kaylee. She wasn't fluent in French but she understood the random word. "Don't worry about it. I randomly speak in Italian; after I travel to Italy. It takes a while to get back to thinking in English."

Kaylee nodded and took a bite of her food. It was really good.

Conner looks a little surprised at Kaylee’s comment, "Avec toi, ça le rendrait extra doux." (With you, that would make it extra sweet.) He replied in French then, using chopsticks, he took a bit of his food.

JD smiled, recovering from Conner's comment. "I think I do know the topic." JD takes a bite of food he was using a fork so as not to make a mess. "Penso che stesse solo coprendo il suo commento con Conner. Devo dire, Rose, per me sei sempre bellissima." (I think she was just covering her comment to Conner. I do have to say, Rose, you always look beautiful to me.) He said in Italian. He looked at Kaylee with a crafty smile. "Or Kaylee, was that to cover your comment to Conner?" he asked.

Kaylee ate more food, biting back a grin at Conner's response.

Rose ate some of her food but upon hearing JD'S comment said "Sono abbastanza sicuro che sia vero anche questo." ( I'm pretty sure that's true, as well.). Responding first to his comment about Kaylee then to the compliment. "Grazie"

Kaylee glanced over to JD as he asked the question. "Maybe, maybe not....but it is true I'm still thinking in French." She didn't really answer JD's question but she figured not much more of an answer was needed.

Conner looked back at JD. "She was just saying that she could be too sweet for me," said Conner.

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