
Timestamp: Grasslands West of Ostiarium

You make good progress towards where Jab and Rash tell you are supposed to meet your Grey Mouth contact, that will lead you to their tribe. The ground beneath you is soft due to the rain but still hard enough that the wagon can travel easily. Its getting colder but it has not rained in a few days.
Everywhere you look you see signs that huge herds travel ahead of you, maybe 5 or 6 days. The air around you is filled with the howling and barking of cattle dogs and the roars of the giant felines that stalk the grasslands. Several times in the distance you spot riders watching you, but they make no attempt to approach you.
A few days into you journey you see a couple of raised wooden platforms a dozen of metres to your left standing about eight feet above the ground. Something lays wrapped on top of it. Around the area you see stakes and wooden posts decorated with the animal skulls and painted in bright colours that seem to glisten in the late day's twilight.

Timestamp: Plains North of Ostiarium

You travel as fast as your horses and the weather allows you. It is raining more often and the weather is much colder as you ride towards the gigantic mountain range.
The plains you travel consist of a broad stretch of country with very little tree growth and open far-reaching views. You see bands of wild horses often during the day roaming the plains. You are struggling to find fuel for your night fires and can hear wolves or dogs prowling around your camp every night snapping and barking at each other. Sir Zane orders that two people stand guard at all times. That evening the sound of drums is heard booming over the plains. As you strain to see where the sound is coming from, you spot a huge bonfire in distance as the smell of cooked meat wafts through the air.

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