Enemies everywhere

Timestamp: Sentinel Island -Beach cove

Tarmen, Hunter and Nicolaus - As you get closer and closer to the beach cove, not far from your first camp, you notice that the whoops and shouts of your pursuers dim away considerably as if they are falling behind. In the corner of the beach, you see the large beacon Till created to lit on fire when you are ready for the Hogue to come and collect you. As you consider your next course of action you spot on of the strange dust-devils not far from it.

Alexis - You travel through the night in the direction you hope is that of your original camp, praying that the others made it. Early in the morning you come upon a group of three natives that are crouching around some of the carved stones you've seen dotted around the island. One of them sliced slices his hand and lets his blood drip on a stone a if feeding it. They have not seen you yet, but one of them seems to be looking around as if aware something or someone is nearby.

Voah - Your injuries make your trek through the jungle slow. You must stop often to catch your breath and check on your injuries. You hope to reach the beach or your first camp by noon at your current pace. You feel bone weary and you are getting hot. A fever is descending on you.

Timestamp: Aboard the Hogue

Blackwolf - You still trying to figure out what happened with the young sailor.

Timestamp: Ostiarium

Islana - You leave the Rectory that evening with a sense of dread in the pit of your stomach. You have learned much about the strange symbol and the wooden object and the potential reason for the murders. But you have met some people that you might one day call friends too. You walk back to the Barracks considering what your next step should be.

Wim & Gonyaul- As you share the meat from the animal Wim hunted and get to know one another, the sun starts to dip over the horizon. Wim starts to feel the pull of the vials again. Something calls out to him and his gaze is drawn towards the tree where Gonyaul found the strange carved rune. Gonyaul notices the slight change in his demeanour.[/b]

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