Characters in this post

View character profile for: Elizabeth Ellington

View character profile for: Mr. Sung ShunShi

View character profile for: Sasha Lagrave

View character profile for: Lorem Ipsum

View character profile for: Vor'Aster

View character profile for: Cronk

View character profile for: Harold Dyson
Getting Home
JP with Lorem, Lasersexpanther, Jaxx, Redsword, mdman, Lucian, and Cindy
Marcil drove as fast as possible, without hitting anyone, a few blocks from the building with Staniadis' office came into view. He turned a corner.
Elizabeth was still unconscious, and the man caught in the sticky net still doing not much more than groaning, as Sasha and Cronk could hear the sound of a vehicle approaching
The cab stopped, it was easy for those in the cab to see Sasha, Cronk with Elizabeth. However, the windows of the cab, being darkened, made it difficult to see who was in the cab. Sasha or Cronk might remember that it was the vehicle Marcil had driven them in, but there was no guarantee in that.
Sasha saw the cab pull up a little ways off. She slung the rifle over her back and knelt to lift Lady Elizabeth up. Supporting her neck in case something was damaged that she could see. "Cronk get him." she pointed to the man in the net. "And don't worry about hurting him. I couldn't care if his mangled leg fell off entirely. Just make sure he's alive until we get back to HQ." Sasha instructed. Taking off towards the cab shouting to 'move' in French in a quite convincing gruff male voice. It wouldn't hold up in a conversation but in barking an order, and carrying an injured woman and gun it did the trick. Cronk being a few steps behind probably did some heavy lifting as well.
Sung jumped out of the cab. If there were someone on the way. They would not be for long. Sung would push them to the side. He looked for anything that would be a threat. Sung sees Sasha and Cronk running towards the Cab. Sung held out a hand motioning them to stop. "What happened?" Sung asked. Sung looked to be calm but his voice had concern in it. Sung placed his hand on Elisabeth's forehead. "I can stabilize her in the cab but hurry," requested Sung.
Sasha gasped out of breath and clearly in pain likely having refractured her ribs and spoke through gritted teeth. "Masked man just so happens to be a magic user. Elizabeth miscalculated him being awake after I nearly blew his leg off, and he nearly brained her with a metal rod of some kind throwing it with magic," she explained getting Elizabeth into the cab as gently as she could. "Before we moved him I made sure he was out could. It is likely I might have damaged some part of his brain...but so long as he can answer questions that is all I care about as far as his continued existence is concerned."
Cronk made it into the cab, carrying the now unconscious masked man in the sticky net. The Orc unceremoniously threw the netted man down onto one of the seats and took a seat himself.
Marcil was already sitting in the driver's seat but turned and looked at Sung. "Mr. Sung do you have Lady Elizabeth stabilized enough to move her?""
Vor had placed Iris towards the window, using himself as a barrier from the others rushing in. The added excitement of yet another unconscious tag along and Lady Elizabeth’s condition kept Vor quiet, still needing to wrap his head around the insanity that he had just been around and being very much out of his depth here.
Sung could hear people talking but turned them out. Sung's breathing changed KI flowed into Elizabeth as he placed his hand on her head at first then on her heart. He would allow his KI to flow not only threw normal means. KI also the body can move to through the blood flow. Feeling the KI touch the body and start to stabilize her injuries.
Sung was frustrated he could not do more at the moment. He breathed deeply a few times infusing KI into Elizabeth's body. Sung lifted his hands and took her in his arms. "We need to go now! and get her back to the house," declared Sung now getting into the cab with Elizabeth.
As soon as Sung said it and Marcil was sure everyone was on board, the cab took off. The ride was a little cramped, having three unconscious passengers onboard didn't help but everyone fit and they got back to Elizabeth's home in a relatively short time.
On the way back Marcil updated those who didn't know about being knocked unconscious and Dr. Jackal and Miss Lavigne being kidnapped.
Harold was there to greet the cab when they pulled, he had been watching from inside the house waiting on their return. Upon seeing Elizabeth's condition and the two other unconscious people, he quickly said. "Let's get her into one of the sitting rooms." Directing his next statement at Sung. "Mr. Sung, what should we do with the other two that are unconscious?" Harold had no way of knowing what the situation with the other two was but obviously Elizabeth took priority.
Lorem hadn’t made so much as a peep once everyone started piling into the cab. The entire ride back she clung to her backpack and tried to not feel completely out of place. She made herself as small as possible, easy for a gnome to do, to accommodate all the extra bodies.
She keenly listened to the update. And upon arriving home, she waited patiently until everyone else was off before attempting to move from her spot hidden in the furthest back corner of the cab. In fact, there was a very good chance many of the new riders didn’t even know she was there.
Lorem hauled her large backpack out of the cab and onto the ground. She was covered in engine grease and oil from having been working on fixing the vehicle. Fortunately her face was relatively clean because she had been wearing a welders mask. She assumed her services were no longer necessary, the professionals in such matters had it from here. So she lifted the backpack, with proper leg support to save her back, into a vertical position. Then she quickly ran around to the strap side and slid herself in with just enough time before gravity tipped it over onto her. She leaned over to brace herself and then worked to stabilize her balance a few seconds.
Her plan was to head back to the workshop, put her things away and perhaps get cleaned up. Though she did pause just in case someone called out for her to stay and assist in some way.
Sung glanced over the masked man in the cab. There was a lot of anger surging in Sung. For hurting Elizabeth in this way the man will die thought Sung. He kept his composure and would not worry about killing him yet. Hearing the other news was not helping in his mood either.
Looking back at Harold "The Mask man gets restrained down in the seller," ordered Sung. "Sasha, you can be in charge of that," said Sung carrying Elizabeth into the house. "The other lady Iris, I think her name is. We might want to hold her somehow in the back buildings comfortably and guarded. Vor! can see to that?" Asked Sung laying Elizabeth on a sofa.
"Harold, Elizabeth should be all right after I am through here," Sung said putting his hand back on Elizabeth's heart Sung started to breathe a little more deeply now as he sent another influx of KI into her body. Now being able to heal her properly with the last inflex of KI.
Harold just responded with "Yes, Mr. Sung." Then Harold turned to Sasha. "Miss Lagrave, I will escort you down to the cellar." He then moved to pick up the unconscious man.
"Mr. Aster," Harold spoke to Vor. "Feel free to put your in one of the smaller sitting rooms." He assumed Vor or Cronk could carry the woman inside.
Harold was about to pick up the unconscious man but spotted Lorem and spoke to her first. "Miss Ipsum, dinner will be in about an hour and a half., in the main sitting room. Buffet style as I think this will be a working dinner. " That was a subtle out for Lorem so the Ghome could get cleaned up.
Harold then picked up the man and carried him towards the stairs which would lead to the cellar.
Elizabeth's head pounded as she started to come to. The Eldren blinked, closed her eyes for a moment, and took a breath, as she tried to focus on where she was. Sung, it was Sung. She could feel him even before she focused enough to see him. Her blue eyes opened, home - how, what. "What happened?" She asked groggily.