Characters in this post

View character profile for: Elizabeth Ellington

View character profile for: Dr. Maximillian Jackal and Big Red

View character profile for: Lily Lavigne

View character profile for: Mr. Sung ShunShi

View character profile for: Sasha Lagrave

View character profile for: Lorem Ipsum

View character profile for: Vor'Aster

View character profile for: Cronk

View character profile for: Captain Masao Wayneright

View character profile for: Sako Asako

View character profile for: Harold Dyson
JP with mdman, Redsword, Jaxx, Lucian, Lasersexpanther, Lorem and Cindy
Dr. Jackal knew Lily was using her werewolf senses. He asked Lily to get some clues on the intruders. He then asked her to slowly head in the direction of the scent, but refrained from comparing her to a hunting dog. He was no ladies man but knew well enough to show some decorum to a woman.
They slowly moved to the staircase and looked down to see if anyone was there. As Lily sniffed the air and closed her eyes she could hear faint footsteps and breathing. She whispered to Dr. Jackal that there was a man somewhere downstairs but she could not see him. Using logic, Dr. Jackal suggested it might be a mage that was invisible. He also suggested she look for signs of the intruder's location. Suddenly the door opened and four men burst in and ran to where Elizabeth's office was. Jackal put his hand on Lily's back and whispered to her, "You got this." Lily then threw a nearby vase at the group of men to get their attention. As Lily popped up and pointed her pistol at them and began firing in their direction. She was not sure how many shots she fired till the sound of the gun clicked.
The vase missed hitting the men, but it did make them look up. Two of the men kept going down the hall, the other two headed straight for the direction the vase had come from.
They didn't go far when the gun went off. It hit one of the men, going after Lily and Jackal, in the kneecap, bringing him down but the other one kept coming. Then in the midst of the gunfire, one bullet ricocheted off the banister, hitting the second man in the stomach causing him to go down.
In Elizabeth's office she hadn't quite gotten done with the ward when the two men could be heard coming down the hallway. First heard, then seen as they headed straight for Maseo.
Cronk heard the shots coming from inside the house. That wasn’t good. He looked to Sasha, holding her gun. There was still one more.
“Masked One good?” he asked. “Gun inside!”
Lorem continued to do what she could from within her sealed workshop. She ran across the room to the breaker box she installed earlier in the day. On the right side of the panel were some metal wheels which she turned and locked into position one at a time.
Suddenly gas powered lanterns installed around the grounds and inside the house turned on. Her intentions were to make it harder for any intruder to hide in the shadows. Let there be light!
Hearing gunshots, Vor couldn't wish himself to be blissfully ignorant any longer. He removed himself from the bath and hastily put pants and his shoes on, then gathering several paints in his pockets and a knife. He then entered the halls, looking to find Lady Elizabeth's location.
Masao aimed his gun at the door as he heard the footfalls close in. "Yui forgive me." He mumbled, checking his gun was ready to fire as he saw the shadow of the men block the slit between the floor and door. "Keep your head down." He said to Lady Elizabeth, and kept the gun aimed at what he hoped would be head level.
Sasha looked at Cronk, "He's all yours, they need help inside." She said, turning to run inside he help the noncombatants.
As the burly men where distracting Maseo, Pascal made a very quiet and still invisible entrance into Elizabeth's office.
Elizabeth sensed the mage entering the room, she picked up a paperweight, infused it with magic through her touch and sent it hurling in the direction she felt the influx of magic coming from. It hit something, then fell to the floor and broke but before Elizabeth could do anything else she was grabbed from behind.
Pascal appeared, holding Elizabeth with at gun point. He knew attacking her would lead to his invisibility spell dropping but it was a chance he was willing to take.
Cronk grunted in acknowledgement of the Masked One running toward the house. Not used to her being so underdressed caused the orc some hesitation.
A fist in the abs broke Cronk’s focus upon the retreating Sasha. It didn’t hurt; it was more like a fly landing upon his stomach.
Cronk peered down into the man’s fearful eyes. “Big mistake!” Cronk confirmed as his club came down squarely upon the man’s head.
Sung could feel Pascal enter the house; it was the same magic signature as the tunnel. Sung spoke some words softly, a spell of Keen Edge as his sword edges glowed with a gold hue. He took a deep breath and let it out as he opened his door all someone could see was a blur as Sung moved.
Pascal knew he was in trouble feeling Sung KI flow. He could feel the burst of KI come from Sung and an overwhelming presence came over Pascal. Sung's KI Battle Aura burst outward filling the house with the presence of a dragon. Everyone in the aura is stricken with terror and unable to effectively act or move. The air pressure increases swirling 20' from Sung. With everyone stricken with terror and unable to move. Sung moved and jumped off the stairs down the hall Within the blink of an eye passing by all in the hall and outside the office. Sung was behind Pascal.
Sung in one swift move, cut Pascal's arm off from the shoulder. It appeared almost in slow motion as the arm holding the gun fell to the floor. With a quick turn of the sword, it was at Pascal's throat. "Surrender, Pascal or all of you will die here and now." Warned, Sung his tone without emotion, his eyes cold.