Tainted Luv

With a couple of the other Dwarfers standing guard while Jay and Plisken harnessed the horse, Cass darted back into the coaching inn to emerge a few minutes later, busily lacing herself into in a clean dress that she had found from somewhere, and with the gun bag she had left up in her room, slung back over her shoulder
It took only a few minutes to get everyone loaded and before long, they were off at a gentle trot with Jay and Katrina sitting up at the front of the wagon, and everyone else crowded in the back, looking for all the world like a husband taking his wife and friends off for a day at the fair with their weird-looking sheep

Sat at the very back of the wagon next to Jade, Cass let her skirts and legs dangle off the end of the trailer as she mutely watched the summer countryside crawl past around her, while the boys busied themselves, arguing about the best way to rig up the proposed antenna.

While Cass and Jade were talking and the boys were trying to track down the nodes, Evelina was cuddling up to Skutter Jaxx in a cheap looking sheep costume. Evelina whispered, “I missed you so much Jaxx. Thank you for coming back to me and letting me have some fun making your sheep costume. You look so cute in it.” Skutter Jaxx replied in his monotone voice, “It’s cool Eve babe. It’s the least I like could do for ya since I totally made ya worry and stuff.” Then Evelina gave Skutter Jaxx a big hug as she repeatedly kissed him on the sheep head. However as Evelina leaned over she bumped Jaxx's control panel and activated his mp3 player. Barry White’s “Never, Never Gonna Give You Up” began to softly play through Skutter Jaxx’s speakers as Evelina was playfully kissing Skutter Jaxx in sheep’s clothing.

Barry White Never,never gonna give you up

As Evelina kissed Skutter Jaxx she got lost in the moment and the music and forgot she was being watched by the others as she began to passionately kiss Skutter Jaxx in his sheep costume along with the beat of the song. Several members of the crew were a bit weirded out at the site of the GELF Model making out with a Skutter in a cheap looking sheep costume. Evelina missed Jaxx so much it didn’t bother her that he was stuck in the body of a Skutter, much less one in a cheap sheep costume. However to anyone else watching Evelina, she looked like a hot babe making out with a mutated robo-sheep. The only one who was not bothered by the site of course was Artemis who was already married to a Skutter.

Of course like all good things in life this moment came to an end when Jacky muttered, “Please make it stop. You guys please stop I am going to have nightmares about this.” Evelina and Jaxx stopped to see they were being gawked at by the crew members making a sour face at them. Jaxx stopped the music with a screeching sound as he said in a monotone speak and spell voice, “Sorry my bad dudes. Evelina giggled as she hugged Skutter Jaxx and said, “Sorry guys I just missed my Jaxx so much. I didn’t mean to weird you out.” Artemis smiled, as he said, “No worries Mrs. Stone it is a perfectly normal reaction.” Evelina smiled as she nuzzled against Skutter Jaxx for the rest of the way.

“Can you tell where the others are?” Cass asked, twisting to look at where he was pointing
“There’s only one other” Artie pointed away in a different direction “Eight kilometers over there!”
“Excellent!” Jay reined the horse in to come to a halt, and turned in his seat to regard everyone “Well done guys
“Now, I hate to get all Scooby Doo on you” he continued, to blank looks from the non-time travelers “but given that these things seem to be psychic, what do you reckon to splitting the team up and doing a coordinated attack to take both nodes out at once?”
“Yeah, that would make sense” Cass nodded “Otherwise the second one we move against will be much better defended, and I don’t know about you, but I’ve only got a few clips of ammo left”
“So...” Jay looked between their faces “What do you reckon?”

Evelina looked at Cass and Jay as she replied, “I still have some clips left on my pulse rifle and pulse pistol. I don’t care which team I am on as long as I am with Jaxx.” Skutter Jaxx replied in a monotone speak and spell voice, “, “I still like have my holo-whips. I totally don’t like care which team I am either as long as I can break stuff with Eve babe." Evelina cuddled up to Skutter Jaxx as she said, “Awwww your so sweet.” Skutter Jaxx asked, "By the way what's a Scooby Doo?” Evelina giggled as she answered, "An old show with a talking dog and some kids that solve mysteries. I'll add it to our next movie night." Skutter Jaxx replied, "Cool."


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