Judge Pritchard Part 2

“Just go with it.” Alex shrugged as Boyd made a strange face as he was staring at the floating dots before his eyes. Mrs Narita was slowly dancing to a song in her head as Chuck was was staring at the crew like a television show. Judge-Pritchard stood at attention as he saluted Skutter Jaxx and said, “I accept this urgent mission sir and will ensure the success of this mission.”

Skutter Jaxx scanned the hallway and detected several armed men approaching down the hall. Then Skutter Jaxx looked at the crew as he said, “Not cool bros. We totally got company and they are packing heavy. Any ideas?”

Judge Pritchard pulled out his pistol. "Stand back Sir" he said, stepping out in front of Jaxx. "Dude-what-are-you-doing?" protested Jaxx. "Judge Weathers, you said you were Psi, correct?" Artemis asked Boyd, who was nervously reading everyone's thoughts. I am the law...Is this ever going to come out? Gods it smells awful...That cigarette was awesome, I still feel it. I wonder if we have some more on Blue Dwarf...Daremoga eigo ni kore o hon'yaku suru koto ga dekirudarou ka... "Judge Weathers..." Boyd snapped up and locked into a dead stare with Artemis. "You said you were Psi, you can read minds?" "Uh...yeah" "Tell me what those men are going to do when they get here, and quick..."

The men rounded the corner, but found nothing. "I though you said they were over here?" Judge Pritchard kicked open a door from behind the men, and shot the three rear guards in the head. He ducked into the room before they could catch him. Alex and Jacky then popped out of a room from behind the turned-around men and stabbed two of the men with catrantula syringes. The last turned around to shoot them but was stabbed in the neck by Evelina. Jaxx, Chuck, Mrs. Narita and Boyd came out of a nearby room, as did Artemis. "Well, that was awesome" commented Chuck. "We must keep moving if we are to regroup with Judge Jones and Citizen Chrysler" Judge Pritchard said. "Citizen Chrysler? Oh man Jay's gonna love that one" commented Alex. "Come Judges, Citizens, time is getting scarce" Judge Pritchard proceeded to lead the group to the elevators.

The people on the ground floor of the Luxor watched the strange group as they passed through. No longer being able to hide in plain sight, they were the main attraction of the resort. A Judge Dredd impersonator, a battle bots champion and his companion, an Alpaca riding pilot, an MMA star, a Yakuza wife, a high mechanic who was mumbling to himself about children, and a short blond fella trying not to be noticed. It also didn't help that Chuck broke the hands of a Yakuza goon who tried to attack Jacky, and Judge Pritchard tried to read him his rights before zip-tying him to a bathroom stall.

They exited Luxor into a crowd of people. This ice cream tastes like shit...why does this pimple smell so bad...rhubarb rhubarb, peas and carrots, rhubarb...Is that Lady Narita? Boyd looked around to see who the inquisition about Mrs. Narita belonged to. He caught a Yakuza good staring right at them. "Guys....Yakuza!" the goon started rushing towards the group, gun in hand. Judge Pritchard shot the Yakuze goon in the chest, he slumped over and fell to the ground. Thinking quickly, Evelina rushed out to the crowd. "Wow folks, Judge Dredd got another one!" she shouted, inciting a chours of applause. "It's Judge Pritchard Citizen Stone...." Artemis said gruffly. Evelina and Jaxx helped the "actor" up and took him with them as they returned to the car. Artemis went straight for the Judge Motorcycle replica and proceeded to "test its systems". He rode the cycle up to the car and parked next to the drivers side, where Alex was strapping in. "Judge Solvay, I will escort you to the destination" Artemis said. "Uh...right dude...let's go" Alex said, a second wave of the mellow cigarettes kicking in.

Artemis dodged traffic, the sirens on the bike blaring. Not knowing any better, the drivers of Las Vegas pulled aside to let the cycle and it's muscle car tail pass. The ride was quiet for the most part, save for Boyd's mumbling and cursing at Xagzor (chibbly). When they arrived at the casino, Alex lead the group to the room where Jay, Cass, Jade, and Katrina were waiting.

"Judge Jones, I have recovered Chief Judge Jaxx, Judge Solvay, and these citizens" Artemis said. "Holy smeg, you weren't kidding were you?" Cass said, looking over the costumed and heavily drugged scientist. "What do we do? We can't have him in this condition" Jay said, holding a hand out to Artemis. "I am in a fine state to perform my duties, and my ability to do them is beyond you, Citizen Chrysler" "What did he just say to me?" "Jay, any other day I'd yell at him too for the disrespect, but that shit Williams and Kahn injected into him and Boyd is what's causing...this" Cass interjected, pointing at Artemis, and then to Boyd as he looked around the room at the people, hearing their inner thoughts. "If we don't get that antidote this will only get worse, and well...you heard them...we lose them both" Jay grimaced. The last thing he needed was Artemis believing he was a Judge and Boyd hearing even more voices in his head, but what could he do? "Besides, he knows how to handle a gun while he's all doped up" Added Alex, he himself being "doped up". "As long as we play the part, he'll do as we say. As for Boyd, his telepathy can work wonders for the heist" Cass added. "Okay, fine. Now, let's start planning this heist..." said Jay, motioning the Dwarfers to follow him.


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