The winged ones

Erik had seen Valkyries.
He had watched then slaughter whole villages with a methodical determination.
Stringing his bow under the cover of the foliage, he heard their cry even closer now.
The noise sent a freezing chill through his body.
Gritting his teeth as he pushed himself through it, he let loose one arrow as one of the creatures dived towards them.
She dodged it easily, even cutting the projectile for good measure.
As this occupied her however, two more arrows embedded themselves in her left wing.
Assuming it to be the others, he knew that only three of them had a bow. Quickly firing off two more arrows, he was able to get a shot as the second one peirced the armor on the Valkyries side.
A volley now appeared, forcing her to weave as best she could. Finally having enough, the warrior let loose a peircing scream, both to disable the group and to summon reinforcements.
"This isn't going in our favor. We need to think of an escape."
Erik looked towards Majvok and Jorrik, their bows already set with arrows.
The scream suddenly was silenced, the trio looking ng up to see the Valkyrie writhing in a black miasma.
Looking for the source, they saw Luna standing near them, eyes glowing and speaking a spell.

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