Blinding Light

Tiella was locked in a battle of will with the enraged Valkyrie. The creatures nails clawed into the bare skin of her arms and she in turn wrenched the blade deeper into the torso of the Valkyrie. The pull of magic tore at them both each trying to draw in the life force of the other. Eldritch sparks flickered out and struck the ground around them and Tiella was only vaguely aware of the battle around her. She thought she heard Balar screaming out to her, or was it her for him, she was too far gone to tell.

She screamed out, at the end of her strength and as she did the eyes of the Valkerie grew wide with horror. Blood poured from her mouth and Balars axe bit deeply into her neck and Tiella was suddenly overwhelmed by the torrent of raw energy that passed into her through the dagger.

Her body shone out with light and her feet were lifted from the ground just as the dead Valkerie slumped to the earth. She had never tasted power like this! She screamed again, but this time it was the scream of a Valkerie, the otherworldly magics infusing her being. Wings of white light formed behind her and beat the air with eldritch fury.

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