Rose and JD night incounter Pt. 4

Rose didn't know why she felt as at ease with JD as she did either. Certainly things had helped like how willing he had been to help her, yesterday. And the fact that he just seemed nice. "Yeah. She's a great friend." Though mind wasn't on Sam it was on JD. Maybe, the hand holding could happen sooner. The thought crossed her mind to just take his hand but she couldn't bring herself to. It felt right but despite her best effort she couldn't shake the idea that it was too forward for her to do it. For all the things from her up bringing she had gone against some were still ingrained into her. "Well, you have Conner. He seems like a good friend." Just the need to say something.

"He is my best friend here" that's all he could think of to say with all the stuff about Rose running through his head. His mother always told him not to do anything to forward with a girl. let them give you hints before acting. But she is so confusing. Her eyes say one thing but the way she moves says somthing else. JD thought about what his dad had said. about boundaries and people's bubbles. they will tell you a lot about how they feel about you. all this information running through his head like a thousand voices telling him what to do. He took a small beath to relax and clear his mind. He had been leaning with his back to the rail of the bridge. he turned rolling to face the rail putting him right next to Rose. now leaning with his hands on the rail. He let his hand fall next to hers. his heart was racing it felt like his heart was going to jump from his chest the inch between them felt like a mile to JD. but this would demonstrate his interest without a possible slap to the face. "So want to do breakfast tomorrow?" he asked shyly.

Rose could barely focus on what JD was saying as other thoughts of him lingered in her mind. She needed something to make it not feel so against her nature. What was it? Then it happened and a movement that seemed to happen in an instant changed things just enough. Rose swallowed, her mind going though all the things that could go wrong not with JD but her parents, her ex. Still, they weren't there and she really wanted to....she would tell JD everything, before it got to beyond the holding hands stage. She would but not right at this moment. This moment she just wanted this. Moving a little closer she let her hand gently slide under his until their fingers intertwined. It was just holding hands but it felt like something special had just happened. What? Breakfast? "Yes, I'd like that." She responded quietly not wanting to break the moment.

Getting a boyish smile on his face like he had been caught doing somthing he gently held her hand. JD would normally take a week before he would hold a girl's hand. What if this progresses. The tradition in the Davenport house of asking the father if he could date his daughter how is that supposed to work? he thought. his heart started to race again he could not focus anymore. What if her dad said no then what. A thousand scenarios started to run through JD's head. Then he realized Right now he did not care he was with her and it felt right the moment was right the stars were right. he would cross each bridge as he came to them. "I am glad we took this walk" he said softly and gently.

Rose smiled softly; she rarely got the chance to just be in the moment and right now that's where she was and the moment was really nice. She just let herself be there. "So, am I." She was really glad they had taken the walk and she just let it be.

So my parents were right for once thought JD. He just relaxed and enjoyed the moment with Rose. He was thinking where do we go from here. The beach party is coming up do I ask her that or is that a dumb question. what does she expect? JD thought. "When we get back to the dorms can I have your phone number?" asked JD. he got real silent and mumbled a bit to himself. "Would you like to go to the beach party with me? I could teach you to surf." JD was hoping for a yes but maybe it was too much too soon. That would make a perfect night.

The night has turned out better than Rose could have ever expected. "Of course." She was certainly willing to give him her number. Then she realized the sun setting into twilight. They had been out there much longer than she had thought. She hadn't been expecting the next question but still a smile came to her face. "Yes. I'd like to go with you." She hated to end the night but "I really hate to end this but we should get back. It's getting past the time we're allowed to be on the trail." The school didn't like students on the trail after dark.


"Rules, sometimes they ruin a good time," says JD I think your right we should get back. it is a safety thing I know but we are older we are not children. but things can get dangerous after dark I guess here in the city." said JD walking he would hold her hand as long as she would let him. he was not sure how others might react to them holding hands so soon. then thought about what that might look like for her reputation. He almost let go of her hand. somthing sturred in him. He thought if anyone talks bad about Rose they might not talk for a while afterward. If he caught them do it. Rose was a lady and he wanted it to stay that way.

Rose was part of the rumor mill anyway. Everyone was still wondering about where she has been for half of a year. Her holding hands with someone was minor. She held his hand back to the main part of campus and to the door that would lead to the dorms. Once inside they were back in the main area and she dropped his hand pulled out her cell and gave him her number. Asking in return for his. "I'll see you tomorrow morning. Just text me when and where to meet you for breakfast." She then said "I had a nice time tonight. Thank you for the walk. Good night." With that she was off to her dorm room.

What Rose didn't see was Sam and Heath walking up to the dorms at the same time. Sam stopped a few feet away from Rose and JD not sure exactly of what she was seeing. Heath, who was holding her hand, stopped with her and asked. "What?" Sam smiled and nodded towards Rose and JD " Look." Rose and JD walked into the building but not before Heath saw what Sam was pointing out; the two had been holding hands. Heath breathed a laugh. "You were right." "I figured but even I didn't expect that so soon." Sam didn't pause though before adding. "JD seems like a good guy. I'm happy for Rose. Well, both of them but you know..." "Yup. You always look out for Rose. I know." Heath smiled. "It's a good thing." He then leaned over and kissed Sam. "Are you going to tell her you saw them?" "I don't know." Sam shrugged. "We should get inside though." Heath agreed and the two went inside, said good night before parting to head to their dorm rooms.

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