To Let Me Know

Sam reached the dorm room not long after Rose did. She sat down facing her roomate not saying anything but a smile crossed her face.

Rose looked at her best friend. “Ok, what?”

Sam bit her lip. “ was a really good night.”

Rose raised her brows. “Oh, really?”

Sam then said. “And apparently not just for me and Heath.”

Rose’s mouth opened a moment, then she closed it and shook her head. “You saw.”

“You and JD.” Sam grinned. “Yup, Heath and I weren’t that far behind you when you were coming into the building.”

“Oh.” Rose’s own smile grew wider. “So, I guess he meets with your approval.”

“Come on. You know if he didn’t I would have already told you.” Sam truthfully replied.

“Yeah, I know.” Rose paused then answered the question before Sam could even ask it. “We went for a walk on the lake trail, talked a lot, and held hands; that was it but it was enough. It was kind of amazing, actually. I feel so comfortable with him.”

“Well, you met him two days ago, and you’re already taking walks with him and hold his hand. I’d say comfortable is a good word for it.” Sam paused. “What did you talk about?”

“Stuff. You know…” Rose responded. “We are going to have breakfast tomorrow and going to the beach party together.”

“That’s great.” Sam thought for a moment. “Stuff. Yeah, I know what stuff but I’m guessing that you left out certain things or people.”

“I didn’t want to ruin it by bringing all of that up. I’ll tell him in time; tonight wasn’t the right time.” Rose meant that and it seemed to satisfy Sam for the moment. Time to change subjects. “So, how was your walk with Heath?”

Sam took a breath and smiled, a big smile. “We made it official.”

“Oh, wow. That’s great. I’m really happy for both of you.’ Rose was really glad the long-awaited couple, were finally a couple.

“I wanted to tell you first. We are going to announce it tomorrow at breakfast.” Sam was excited and kind of wanted to tell the entire world right now.

“That’s going to make a lot of people happy, I’m sure. I think some were taking bets as to when it would happen.’ Rose joked.

Sam laughed and shook her head. “Wouldn’t surprise me, at all.”

“So, we should really do homework but first maybe a little celebration,” Rose said.

Sam looked quizzically at her friend. “What did you have in mind?”

“Junk food. A lot of junk food.” Going to the fridge, she opened it up. “Well, we have our favorite sodas in here but we haven’t made our trip to the store to stock up on snacks. I think the vending machine might have to do.”

“To the vending machine then.” Sam and Rose both headed out to venture for junk food.


Courtney had sat in her room since right after dinner, trying to do homework, it had been hours of her not being able to concentrate on much of anything. She had ventured out of the room twice to get sodas or snacks and, on the second time, run into people who she overheard talking about how JD and Rose were seen going for a walk on the lake trail. Then she heard about how Conner and Jocelyn were seen talking outside. She already knew Conner liked Jocelyn, so, not a surprise but if she had said that she suddenly wasn’t feeling like a fifth wheel she’d be lying.

After more time of not getting much accomplished; she was out of soda and really wanted chocolate. So, she grabbed some money and headed out to the vending machines. Each dorm had its own vending machines. Soda and junk food was plenty in them with a few things like trail mix or dehydrated fruit or juice mixed in to give an appearance of a few healthier options but no one really went to the vending machines for anything healthy.

The girl got to the machines to see Rose and Sam; standing there deciding what to get. Courtney swallowed and took a breath before approaching them. “Hey,” She said to the two girls. “I’m just here for the sugar and chocolate.”

Rose and Sam laughed.

“Us too. We were deciding what to get.” Sam said.

“Study energy?” Courtney asked.

“That” Sam responded with a grin and wasn’t going to say anything but this was Courtney so she figured it was fine to tell her. Not knowing what was really going on with the other girl. “And a bit of a celebration.”

“Celebration?” Before Courtney could finish the word, her heart started to sink.

“Yeah, Heath and I made it official tonight. We are now a couple.” Sam smiled at her “We are going to announce it tomorrow at breakfast but I figured I could tell you.”

Courtney for her part didn’t let anything show. “Congratulations.”

Rose then said to Courtney. “It’s going to take us forever to decide. Why don’t you go ahead if you know what you want.”

“Thanks.” Courtney smiled as the two girls stepped aside. She got a Coke and a Snickers bar. “Well, I still have homework. I’ll talk to you both later. Congrats again, Sam.”

“Thanks” Sam replied as Courtney walked away.

Courtney’s roommate wasn’t back yet from the rec center where she was gone and for that the girl was glad. /she laid down on her bed and felt the tears well up. She could only cry here, alone. There was no way she could let Heath or Sam ever know and Courtney just didn’t really cry in front of other people. Having six older brothers could do that, not that they would get on her about but more that they’d want to punch whoever made their sister than never cried, cry. Even if the person didn’t really deserve it. She thought about texting Conner but assumed he was still with Jocelyn and didn’t want to interrupt that. So, she just let herself feel all of it for a while then she took a breath, cleaned herself up, and went back to studying. Her roommate, another scholarship student on the basketball team that Courtney liked well enough but they weren’t close friends, came back and Courtney didn’t let anything show. She just gave her roommate a friendly hello and went back to trying to study.

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