Plans for the beach party

(Takes place Day 3 lunch, rich kids table)

Lance and Elena with a few other rich kids types were all at their table. thinking on the warning they had been given by the staff. Lance looked around realizing that things had gotten quiet now and some of the fear in the eyes of others had dissipated some of the Scholarship kids. his bothered him to no end. He looked at everyone "Guys we have to lay off for a bit we can push the Scholarship kids at the beach party. let the Staff cool some. So let's not pick too much on them until then." he suggested. Elena smiled at him and took a sip of her drink. "I think Lance is right we still don't know who pulled the fire alarm. I don't think it was one of us probably not someone from either group. The cheer team has to be careful as well I know we have Scholarship people on the team. But we must be discreet or the couch will hang us from the top of the gym. If she hears about it maybe kick us off the team." added Elena they all nodded at what was said as they ate.

Lance looked at everyone there "Hay we can all park our cars on the north side of the parking lot at the beach. we check-in and meet up there I have got a catering service to bring in food for us. Elena was nice to get us a DJ So we can start with a bang and show the Scholarship kids how we do things." Lance said looking at everyone eating the take-out Chinees he had ordered and had delivered. Elena put her arms around Lance's neck kissed him on the cheek. "see that was not hard lance." she whispered in his ear.

One of the Cheer girls groan "Elena stop pawing at him here. you are rouning my lunch." The girl said in a mean way. Elena smile in defiance "what jealous, do you want a hug and kiss too?" asked Elena. The girl looked back at her "what is wrong with you Elena that's sick." Elana laughed "that's ok your not my type. Lancy here is all I need." she replied hugging his arm.

Lance shook his head "Enough you two let's not fight in front of the Scholarship monkeys." he said softly. "Now back to the beach party is there anything we missed? O! guys and girls looking at one of the girls there bring your surfboards I hear that the Scholarship kids think they can out surf us. We can not let that happen. we need to show them their place below us." lance said. Everyone nodded and gave a little cheer of sorts.

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