Summary: Smart and quiet, seeking.
April Wells
Owned by:
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Group: Freshman Students
Game: My So Called Life
Computers and gaming, Math, Science, Writing FantasyRich Kid/Scholoarships Student
ScholarshipPhysical Appearance
Red hair, brown eyes. April is about 5'3" and petite.Personality and interests
April is a very intelligent but quiet, shy girl. She is a loyal friend. She is a nerd and loves computers, gaming, and writing. One of her great interests in writing and reading sci-fi and fantasy novels.History
April's mom fell in love with her Dad when they were in high school. She became pregnant at 15, he was a senior.Her's moms parents were very strict and got angry that their teen daughter had gotten pregnant. They told her once the baby was born she was and the child were out of the house. April's dad had plans to go to college on a football scholarship and he tried to claim the baby wasn't his.
Having nowhere to go April's mom stayed with her parents; once April was born, she left. She found a shelter that would take in teen moms and their children and they lived there until her mom turned 18.
The shelter allowed her mom to finish high school and her mom managed to get a job on an assembly line. Where she still works.
Even when April was little she showed a high intellect. The shelter had developmental specialists that would volunteer their time to test the children and April tests came back high.
Her mother though couldn't afford any of the gifted programs for young children so April went to Head Start. The teachers there were very nice to her but she was learning things so quickly they recommended she go to Kindergarten at 4.
It was the best her mom could offer so, at 4, April started Kindergarten. Once again, though, she picked up everything quickly. The other children had no idea how to interact with her.
She continued in school. She skipped 2nd grade and in 3rd grade was placed in a public school gifted program. It was there she found more peers she could relate to. They didn't find her intellect off-putting and they didn't care if she wanted to spend her recess with her head stuck in a book.
Being naturally shy she only made 2 close friends but she wasn't teased.
In 4th grade she started getting more into computers, she had already discovered a love of writing by then.
She was able to use the school computers and computers at friends houses but she knew her mom didn't have the money to buy her own. Her mom with some help did manage to get her a computer as an 8th grade graduation present and a cell phone.
Near the end of her 7th grade year; a recruter came from a boarding school in California. They offered her a full scholorship, once she graduated 8th grade. She felt guilty leaving her mom but her mom knew the school could offer her opportunites she would never get where they live.
Favourite Sayings
"Even the smallest person can change the course of history."This character is owned by:
Character questions
Recent Activity

Mentioned in the post More Waiting May 4, 2024, 7:48pm
Mentioned in the post Fiancé? May 4, 2024, 7:30pm
Mentioned in the post The Waiting Apr 23, 2024, 3:50pm
Mentioned in the post After Apr 21, 2024, 9:34pm
Mentioned in the post Insanity and Heroes Apr 21, 2024, 9:31pm
Mentioned in the post At The Club Apr 14, 2024, 7:22pm
Mentioned in the post Timber Arrives Apr 1, 2024, 5:52pm
Mentioned in the post Who Lurks Apr 1, 2024, 3:02pm
Mentioned in the post Good By Elena Howard Feb 20, 2024, 3:37pm
Mentioned in the post Meeting the Group (part 2) Oct 22, 2023, 2:46am
Updated character profile Jan 31, 2022, 9:53am
Updated character profile Nov 18, 2020, 8:46pm