Track day is over

Watching Ashley JD could guess on what was coming next as she made her way to Jack. Well what is she going to do now to the guy thought JD. She quickly sat next to Jack and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then she smiled at Jocelyn and JD as she took Jack's water bottle and drank from it. Jack was both shocked and awe by her taking and drinking his water as if it was a normal thing to do. JD smiled and said back “good work out there.”

“Thanks Jack I really needed that” said Ashily.

Ashley kissed him on the cheek again to mess with him. She had already seen Jocelyn hand Jack something and was very curious but knew better than to loose her cool. She kept his water bottle in her hand since she was still thirsty and to remind Jack she was in charge of their relationship.

JD wanted to start laughing at the two. He did realize something about the game she was playing with Jack. the way she was manipulating him. it remined him of some of the girls from Europe he has met before. He knew Jack had the wrong strategy in dealing with her then again, he could be liking it. He continued to watch the two and was a little jealous at least he had a girlfriend. He broke up with his be for he left Italy.

As Ashley looked at Jocelyn and JD as she smiled and waved at them as she got up with Jack.

JD wondered about the way Ashley and Jack were acting towards one other. JD smiled back at the two “Nos vemos más tarde” he said. As they were all released to go back to the dorms. They left walking off JD says or waves bye to anyone that says bye to him. He looks over to Jocelyn “you want to help me pick up tuff around here?” Cleaning up his area he walked the benches and stadium seats picking up any trash placing it in the trash bag then then the trach can. He walked down and in front to walk back. JD saw Blossom just standing there with her eyes closed facing up at the sky.

When she was done Blossom headed back past the stands and out the front towards the dorms. The agonizingly close smell of salt and sand made her long to see the ocean for the first time, someone said it was really close and the humid heat and salt air made it feel like that was the truth. Maybe she could find someone who had been before and convince them to go with her.

As JD passed her said “Blossom, right? Are you ok you seem to be spacing?” standing there smiling. She was not tall only about 5 foot. With her small size some people think she was in middle school. Nice brown eyes behind the clunky round glasses. With her brown hair in pigtail braids with school colors ribbon in it. JD had noticed her around school. She’s cute could dress a little trendier and where hair different now and then so she could look more her age. But she was grate at what she did in cheer.

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