
It's funny how excited you can get about a blanket. I was about to go find mine, and I didn't care if camp was attacked by demons, invaded by aliens, molested by giant ass-groping octopuses or if the entire planet was swallowed by a space shark – this time nothing was gonna stand in my way.
Nothing except Seymour, which, given his lack of legs, was kinda ironic.

“'Scuse me, mate.”
“Mate? Remember who you're talking to, please.”
“Sorry ma- Seymour.”
“Can't you go around me?”
“Tell you what, I'll go around you.”
“I just said that, you imbecile.”

Imbecile! Charming that is. I'm maybe not the smartest of men, but I'm savvy enough, I get along in my own way.
I notice things.

Like how earlier, I noticed the thirsty look Cass was giving Jay without him realising - and the way Katrina's narrowed eyes were flicking between the two of them. I noticed Efof up to something at one side of camp, thinking he was being all stealthy. I saw the way Phi kept “casually” checking on Jaxx's condition after his return, as if she wasn't particularly concerned - when she clearly was (her kind medical caring side must have been more important than post-sandwich awkwardness). I noticed a far healthier looking Jaxx's gaze investigating each and every one of us, sizing us up, curious.
I noticed Molly and Jacky chatting, their gazes sometimes drifting towards me to be snatched quickly away when they clashed with mine, I watched as White Wolf efficiently directed some of the others about some camp chores – which I was thankful to have avoided - and I noticed the way Seymour was now glaring at me like I'd eaten the last of his favourite pâté.
I wished I had eaten some pâté, I was starving. Not literally – thanks to White Wolf and co's organisation – but I'd lost the belly the GELFs had gifted me. 'Course, eating only soup for a week prior to this adventure had contributed and I was lean again, leaner than I liked as I hadn't worked out for... I don't even know when the last time I worked out was. Anyhow, need for a good night's sleep aside, that was another reason I wanted to find my blanket - I was a bit embarrassed to be walking about in my underwear like some kind of pervy, flashy, scarecrow, especially in front of the young ladies.
Buggered if I was gonna tell any of the others that, though.

On my way out I grabbed a waterskin – White Wolf wouldn't mind. Probably. I realised I should probably try and be sociable, normal, so I turned and waved to my crewmates, er, camp-mates.
“I, uh, see you later...” forced smile “... guys” I added, for good, friendly, measure, throwing in some teeth.
Why were they looking at me like that?
While I was being sociable I thought I'd raise the subject of The Apology.
I pointed at Jacky and Molly “I would like to speak to you two later” I said, trying to sound like I was after a pleasant catch up over some tea and scones, unfortunately it came out more like I was threatening them and they looked a little startled.
“Um, I mean... I'd like a word with you.” That's worse!
I didn't know what else I could add that wouldn't make it weirder, so I just said “bye” and headed down to the lake to retrace my steps from the other day.

When I reached the trees I kept a look out for the giant bird, I really wasn't in the mood for another scuffle.
Giant... bird. Gods, what a meal that would make. Yeah, I feel mean for thinking it, but like I say... hungry.

I pushed on, through the sweet smelling undergrowth, enjoying the lush vegetation under my feet. As long as none of them colourful spiders came out of the trees I'd be all right. Spiders or not, it was really... really good to be on terra firma, and breathing real, natural, air rather than the often stale stuff Bluey farted through its corridors. The sun wasn't too strong yet and where it fell in beams between the trees I found that its healing warmth on my skin put me in a good mood.

I'd been pretty out of it last time I'd wandered up here but it was looking familiar. Ah yeah, the clearing and the rock...
As I wandered across I squinted around, hoping the bird wasn't lurking somewhere, it seemed clear.

And there, behind the large flat rock, was my blanket.


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