Characters in this post

View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black
Raining Gelfs and Docs
Posted byPosted: Mar 28, 2013, 6:11pm
"Now!" Jay yelled, diving as far as he could out of the path of the decending object. It fell with a wet, sliding crunch, coming to a complete stop several hundred yards after the impact point.
Jade emerged from the pod and looked around. The bloody trench in the earth, the trees, the clean air.
"Where am I?"
"Yeah!" Jay whooped and punched the air.
"JAY?! Oh Gosh I've died haven't I? It went wrong and I burned up in re-entry didn't I? Is this the after-life?"
<end snip>
“You know me?” Jay replied, as he casually strolled over to one of the fallen creatures and yanked one of his home-made arrows out of it's eye with a wet 'shlup'.
“Well...yeah! You're...were the Captain!...was 'Jay' too formal? Would Captain Chrysler be more appropriate?'re out of uniform and...well dead..”
“Haven't been dead for a few months now, and no, this isn't the afterlife, and you're not dead either. It's a planet we had to evacuate to when a toxic gas flooded the 'Dwarf, oh and thanks for killing these guys...that was..impressive...these guys have been chasing us for about two miles...we were fighting them on the run, but...pointy sticks aren't the best things to use to fight walking tanks...” he gestured around the ground indicating to several of their attackers crushed under the crashed escape pod.
“Toxic gas?” Jade asked
Phil giggled
“I thought it was Cadmium II?” she continued, shooting him a glare.
“That was a bally long time ago!” Seymour piped up. “And someone help me up! You there! Hamster!”
White Wolf shook his head.
“Ambassador Nipples?” Dr Black continued.
“It's Niples!”
“Sorry...but, a long time ago, what do you mean? Holly only just ejected my pod!”
“Yes, but how long were you in there?”
“Mere moments..”
“Holly didn't tell you?” Davie asked
“Tell me what?” Jade was getting frustrated now.
“The Cadmium leak...” Plisken said. “It was three-million years ago”
“Three million years?” spluttered Dr Black. “...Sod car tax was due at the end of the month!”
“Look, we can catch you up later.” Jay said “Who are you?”
“Doctor Jade Black. Medical Officer. I transferred to the Blue Dwarf during the Hymenoptera crisis where you were...clearly not killed...”
“Sorry to disappoint.” Jay replied “And sorry...that was 600 years ago for me, and I wasn't exactly keeping track of all the personnel changes. Right now though, we've got more important things to worry about than introductions...we're stranded here, our technology doesn't work, and we're missing three people. I just hope those things haven't got them...we need to head back to where we made camp, try to find Cass, Solvay and Jaxx, this is assuming whatever fell from the sky earlier didn't kill him while he was arseing about in the water...”
At this point, Jaxx and Eveline pushed through the trees.
“Hey dudes!” Jaxx said “You're alive! Righteous!”
“What...the actual fuck?” was all Jay could say when he saw his new look.
“Who are you?” White Wolf asked Eveline. “And where Solvay?”
“Who?” Eveline asked
“The hobo dude babe!” Jaxx replied
“I'M NOT A SMEGGING HOBO!” came Solvay's voice, loudly from the shrubbery behind.
Doctor Black looked more than a little concerned when he stumbled through the bushes, still in his boxers.
“Any sign of Cass?” Jay asked.
<tag – anyone seen her?>