Characters in this post

View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black
Who nose where she went?
Posted byPosted: Apr 2, 2013, 4:56pm
**a few hours after Jaxx called Alex a homo and Alex went all mental and that**
"Nothing..." Jay shouted down to the rest of the group.
He was at the top of a tall tree, the tallest one he could find. It had been a difficult climb, one that was perhaps more suited for a giant hamster or a four armed humanoid, but Jay was hoping to spot a sign of Cassandra, possibly very distant by now and hamsters eyesight wasn't great in the day, and Efof was a moron, so Jay had climbed.
It made sense for him to do it. He WAS Robin Hood.
He began to lower himself, shouting down to the group as he did so. "Can't see any trace of her...they're obviously a long way from here, and probably travelled alot of way undergROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUND..."
Jay was cut off mid-sentence as the branch he had just transferred his weight onto decided to snap beneath his feet and he tumbled downward, bounching off the lower branches as he did so, before landing heavily in a thorny bush at the bottom.
"hee hee! Silly Daddy!" Max giggled. Jay would have been touched at his son had calling him Daddy for the first time, if he didn't now have a concussion.
"Murgh" he said "...what I wouldn't give for the healing factor of the nano-phage right about now..."
"Nano-phage?" Jade whispered to Phi.
"Long story" replied the junior doctor.
Seeing as how no-one else was doing it, Katrina shrugged and helped Jay to his feet.
"We've got no way of knowing where she went..." Davie said "Or even if she's alive. I've been looking around the area and can't find any footprints, no broken twigs, nothing...I dunno how we're gonna find her"
"What I wouldn't give for a sniffer dog right about now..." Alex said.
"Well...." said Jay
"We could..." said Phil
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Jay asked
"Why do we always come up with the best ideas together?" Phil asked
"Oh dear" said Seymour
"WE'RE BRILLIANT!" said the two men together.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked White Wolf
***minutes later***
"I won't do it" the hamster said
"Come on..." Jay said "You have the best nose of all of us, just sniff it.." he was holding out a piece of cloth underwhich Cass had been sleeping
"What about Jaxx? He's part shark! He can smell blood from a bajillion lightyears away!"
"I'm vegetarian dude!" Jaxx replied
"That doesn't stop your nose working!" snapped White Wolf
"Come on!" Jay replied "Think about what we've been through together, all those years, working alongside, us ex-captains gotta stick together..."
"I don't see you forcing Seymour to degrade himself!"
"To be fair" Jay said "Seymour doesn't need any help doing that...look, PLEASE!"
White Wolf sighed.
"Alright" he said "But, is it REALLY necessary for Mr Febuggure to put a dog lead on me?"
<tag! - we got a bloodhound, erm...hamster! Lets go find Cass!>