The Hangover Part 3

Jay spotted the table where Jade sat, she’d be joined by Artemis, Boyd, Jaxx and Evelina so he headed for it and sat down.
“Finally” he said “We were starting to wonder what happened to you guys!”
“Mr Chrysler!” Artemis said excitedly. “Thank goodness. Mr Kong is…missing.”
“Mr Kong! You know, short fellow with goggles. Doesn’t do much.”
“Oh! Jacky!”
“Yes…he hasn’t been seen since last night”
“Ok. We’ll spread out. Cover as much of the city as we can to find him…I left a helicopter at the Grand Canyon..if we could get a few from the air I’m sure…”
“We might have bigger worries…” Cass said, as she sat at the other end of the table.”
“What do you mean?” Jay asked
“I think Kenneth and I have found out what’s causing the paradox…and why you and Kat’s STCP friends were here…”
She passed her handheld to Jay ,Katrina leaned in as he glanced at it.
“That’s a still from CCTV footage from a camera in the main office. That was being placed in a safe…it’s a …”
“It’s a type 6 pulse rifle…” Jay said
“From about 300 years from now…” Katrina added.
“If that got into the wrong hands…if it got mass produced…” Jay said
“Then everything will go to smeg” Cass finished.
“So…” Jade asked “What do we do?”

Chuck Liddell looked over at the rest of the crew and asked, "What is that woman going on about?" Evelina looked at Cass and Chuck before replying, "You ever watch any movies about secret government organizations?" Chuck thought for a second and then replied, "Yeah like the one with Tom Cruise?" Evelina responded, "Yeah like that movie "Minority Report." Well we kinda do the same thing so please keep this to yourself." Chuck snickered as he said, "Ok I'll play along since you guys are a trip and a half." Skutter Jaxx looked at Cass and said, "You want us to either steal the gun or destroy it?" Cass thought for a second before saying, "Pretty much, but we are going to have to break into small groups in order to focus on finding Jacky and the rifle."

Skutter Jaxx looked at Chuck and Evelina as he said, "If its cool with you too I totally feel bad for loosing Goggle dude and I kinda like to remember what happen to us last night." Evelina and Chuck agreed with Skutter Jaxx. Cass then said, "Well Jaxx and Evelina are gonna look for Jacky so if anyone wants to join them feel free to say so now. The rest of us will need to focus on retrieving the rifle.


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