Mimicking Midgets and Horrible Hand Dryers

<snip>" Jay thought about it for a moment and then he nodded as he said, "You have a valid point Mrs. Stone. Anyone else?"</snip>

Alex, still mellow from Mrs Narita’s SBs, chuckled and foolishly put his arm around a somewhat irritated looking Jay’s shoulder.
“Tell me what you want me to do. I’m easy.”
“Yeah, we know you’re smeggin’ easy.” Came an irritated mutter from somewhere.

Jay not-so-delicately removed Solvay’s arm from his person and gave him a warning glare. Now was a fine time for Solvay to have apparently developed social-skills. Now was also a fine time to be an annoying gangly goit.
“Solvay, what’ve I told you about getting high?"
Jacky put a hand up. "Actually I'd say he was heading towards 'stoned'. Any more of Mrs Ns 'rollies' and he'll be no good to anyone."
Jay sighed. "'Rollies'? We don’t have time for this shit.” He shoved Alex forwards and booted him in the ass. “Go and get yourself together, you smegger.”
Solvay turned to protest. “But I’m f-.“

Phil, standing awkwardly at the side of the room chewing on a thumbnail, cleared his throat and cut him off.
“I’d uh, I’d do what he says if I were you.”
As Jay’s best friend, he knew from the man’s slightly altered demeanour how tightly wound he'd become in the last ten minutes or so. He was laid back, and it was likely temporary, but even Jay had his limits.
Evelina smiled kindly and patted Alex on the shoulder. “Why don’t you go and splash your face with some water?”
Alex, a little hazy and confused, looked over his shoulder at the others. “Er, all right.”
Normally it was him being grumbled at for being overly serious, now he was the mellow one and everyone else had the long faces.
“I’m mellow” he muttered, and began walking off to find the bathroom.
At his departure, Mini Phil took the opportunity to cry “EEEE!” And launch a flying kick attack, bouncing off a sofa to strike Alex's ass, mimicking Jay’s boot-to-the-bum. As everyone had resumed their discussion, only a couple of people noticed. Which was exactly the way MP liked it.


For all the good it’d do, Alex obediently splashed his face with water and washed his hands.
“Where’s Plisken?” He asked his reflection in the large over-sink mirror. Frowning then chuckling at the palm trees on his vest t-shirt.

Then he shrugged and told the hand dryer all about how sexy he found Lexa Doig, and that he didn't know how to process the fact that the attractive Plisken Doig-double contained the soul of an old man (forgetting that in 2013 hand dryers didn’t tend to be particularly chatty).

He was half-heartedly hitting it, asking what its problem was, when someone walked in.


(It can be any of you telling Alex what to do, or a NPC… <snip>“I’m easy”</snip>.)

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