Dim and the Dragon

Dim was bouncing as the dragon landed, clearly giddy with excitement. He looked around the group, hoping they'd all spontaneously attack together. He loved it when that happened.

Instead, Dim was stunned into disbelief when the dragon began to speak. As the creature gave them his missive, Dim's grin faded into a sullen frown. "I guess no fighting dragon," he said as he put away his axes and put his fingers through two tears in his coat. He looked at the ground and kicked at the dirt, pouting. "Talking things no taste good. Except human sometimes." As everyone ran into the lake, he followed with a slouch, disappointed at the lack of a good fight. He didn't even see as the dragon dragged a naked Kespin high up in the sky.

Instead, he got distracted by his cuts and bruises healing. He looked in contentment as the scratches and tears closed up. Also, he felt cleaner than he had in months, which was likely because this was the first bath he'd had in months. He clapped Balar on the shoulder. "Why you bury woman in forest? Should have dropped woman in water!"

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