Salvation and Doom

Both men were disoriented by the sudden change in location, as well as the unearthly roar that seemed to shudder their souls.
While Theo panicked to find his bearings and prepare for a new assault, it was Erik that saw the encampment by the lake.
“Hunter, there! We can meet with whoever is there and make defenses.”
Wasn’t the best plan and for all he knew those “people” could just be more wolves.
Theo was just as skeptical, but he wouldn’t pass up the chance for aid now. Whatever had made that roar was definitely not a wolf.
As they tore down to the camp, Erik was startled by a familiar sight.
Luna and Balar?
“Luna?! Thank the Ancestors we found you! Where are the others?”
Theo didn’t stop when Erik did, instead charging his way to the camp, swords drawn just in case.
As he came upon the fire, he stopped at the sight of the shaman who had frozen him.
Yep, they had found the group.
Swords at the ready, he eyed Kespin and decided again to not break his promise.
“What say you all? Do we work together against whatever this place has to throw at us or will I go?”

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