Like Flying (Part Five)

Sunday Afternoon Beach Party

The date with JD, Rose, Conner and Kaylee continued.

JP with Redsword and Cindy

JD laughs some, "If I was I could not tell you anyways. Besides, my dad said some of them are weak, I can take some of them down but not sure if that is true," JD answered.

Conner looks at Rose, "Your boyfriend might be a spy. What do you think of that?" he asked with a big grin.

Fortunately, the place took student IDs, because Kaylee and Rose both had that and their passports for IDs, but weren't exactly carrying their passports around.

Kaylee raised a brow when JD said he was certified. "Ok, now I'm jealous." With a lighthearted tone. "My parents did say I could go skydiving for my 18th birthday, though."

Rose and Kaylee laughed at Conner's comment about JD. Rose responded. "Hmm...well how don't you know we aren't both agents. I mean no one would ever suspect me." She joked. Though it was funny because it was true. She would, likely, not be very good at that kind of job. She turned to JD and kissed him on the lips. Paused for a moment and then said. "Well, no poison on his lips. Just had to check." With a smile.

JD smiled, "maybe we have to try that a few more times to make sure" he suggest.

The guy behind the counter walks up, "Take that outside if you want to make out." He said with a smile. "Jim!" He yelled. A muscular guy walks over. "This is your new group they are already. Watch this one.” Looking at JD. β€œHe is a Class A and a military brat."

The man said behind the desk. Jim smiled, "Ok, ladies and gentlemen, follow me to cover safety and lessons." As he walked he said, "My name is Jim. I am your master skydiver instructor.” He leads them all into a room and starts to go over all the safety stuff. Jim uses JD to model everything.

Rose and Kaylee followed Jim to the room. They watched as everything was demonstrated on JD. There were a number of things to go over but the girls absorbed it

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