The Simming Endeavor: Episode 10 (Random)

Hello, and welcome to The Simming Endeavor, an online role playing elimination game of skill, luck, and cunnning, with a top prize of $100 USD. I’m Charles Star, and I’m your host. This experiment is both sim and game show at the same time. The contestants role play together in the play-by-post sim we created on the Ongoing Worlds platform while weekly blog posts here simultaneously serve as game show episodes. We returned to the Star Trek universe last week. Where will we go this week?

To new and interesting places that is for sure..

Kinda in the mood for a water trope but I think that’s just me 😉

Under the sea?


Mavis’s exit post is here.

Thank you, October. Contestants, what a wild ride it’s been so far! Now we’re down to the final four.

The Fantastic Four!!! Can I be the stretchy one?

That’s the Fab Four.

Down from 13, no less… Jeeze… wow…

This week’s special guest is well known within Ongoing Worlds. In fact, he was instrumental in establishing the OW Community Platform, a place where role players from other games can exchange information and experiment together. It was founded back in 2018. Here’s your guest: Nim of Ongoing Worlds.

Thank you, Charles. It’s an honor to be a part of this innovative project. It’s been especially fun to watch the collaboration here in this game from players around the globe and community.


Hello!! It’s been great fun!

It’s been a fun group.

I’m glad you noticed! I understand it also concerns this week’s challenge?

Yes, it does! Contestants, your challenge this week is write a joint post with one other contestant that introduces an additional challenge or problem for the characters in the story.

Very interesting! Since two people will author the winning post, both will receive immunity. However, there’s a twist: You don’t get to pick who you write with. I do… with a standard six-sided die.


Ooooh :O

Wha…?! Oh come on…

Because October has won the most challenge posts so far with four, the roll of the die will determine who her partner is. Of the rest of you, Largehobbit was the first to win a challenge; therefore, his numbers will be one and two. Zuzutoo, the next to win a challenge, will get three and four. And Corliss Fortune was the last to win a challenge, so she will get five and six. Let’s roll…

If this competition has taught me anything it is that dice are evil.

I’m terrible with dice rolls.


A two! October, your partner will be Largehobbit. That means Zuzutoo and Corliss Fortune will be partners.

H377 YES!!! I mean… That’s cool… I guess.

This is going to be a good week !!

Yay Corliss! This will be fun.

Yassss, we’re READY FOR THIS!

As a reminder to everyone, Nim and all of our special guests grade challenge posts based on quality, originality, and readability. Contestants, since your challenge this episode will require some collaboration, it won’t be due until 12:00 noon EST on Thursday, not the usual Wednesday. Are there any questions?

At this point I dread to ask anything….

The end is in sight, Charles. Our time grows ever narrower. Promise me you’ll always remember us~ (or, at least our characters and their untimely yet sometimes variously amusing demises)

Uh… Yeah, sure! Everybody ready to make some history? Simmers, your challenge begins now. Good luck!

Hi, I’m Largehobbit from Ongoing Worlds.

And I’m October from the USS Vindicator of UCIP. Our joint challenge post for this episode is “Etre à L’ouest”
Largehobbit blogs about The Simming Endeavor on the OW Community Platform. October blogs about The Simming Endeavor on the UCIP blog.

Hi, I’m Corliss Fortune from the USS Gorkon of UFOP: Starbase 118.

And I’m Zuzutoo from Neverending Stories. For our joint challenge post, we wrote “Road Trip”

Welcome back, Nim. How did you find the challenge posts?

They were outstanding. I am impressed by how well both teams worked together on such short notice. Both posts were extremely easy to follow, which given their significant length and small production time is quite a feat!

Excellent. Before you announce this week’s winner, I’m going to ask each of the contestants why think they might win. We’ll start with Largehobbit and October, and then go to Corliss Fortune and Zuzutoo. Largehobbit?

Because I am holding a thermal detonator muhahah!

I’m going to go with LargeHobbit is an INSANELY TALENTED writer and we seem to really jive and mesh well together. I think that ability to understand one another, as far as our writing is concerned, really shows and manages to flow evenly well. I think our challenge post shows that and is engaging, funny, and a little hair raising which plays well with the spirit of the challenge. Here’s hoping you agree, Nim.

“Etre à L’ouest” is a thrilling and suspenseful post that I feel makes good use of the writer’s unique styles to tell a well-rounded and intense narrative.

I think we did a smashing good job with trying to make a problem for the others including a Mirror version!

Corliss is a blast to work with. We brought whole new dimensions into our characters just by pushing each other with one crazier situation after another. What started as a simple couseling session became a bonnie and clyde caper that would be great for a spin off. Aji & Zazi, Trouble Consultants of the Orion Colonies.

“Road Trip” is a fun post. I enjoyed Zazi’s and Aji’s banter and their relationship with each other.

Two excellent posts, but it’s time for truth. Nim, who won this week’s challenge?

Well we both nearly blew up the Endeavor so could we call it a draw?

Banter is the fruit of the soul, or. Something.


C’mon luck! Don’t fail me now!

That would be October and Largehobbit.

Congratulations, October and Largehobbit, you’ve both won immunity this week!

High five October!!!

AAAAAHHHH!!!! ::jumps on LargeHobbit:: WE DID, YOU BEAUTIFUL B@ST@RD, WE DID IT!!!!!

*Chews Popcorn. This will be fun now the Borg are dropped on us.

Nim, it’s been a pleasure this week. Thanks for a great episode.

The pleasure’s been all mine. I have a feeling this episode is just getting started. Good luck, contestants!

October and Largehobbit have immunity this week. Contestants, cast your ballot for elimination now.

I …can’t vote for myself >< Sorry, Zu Q_Q We’ll always have London~ Zuzutoo.

Sadly Corliss Fortune 🙁

Zuzutoo. I hate this vote… Dice said Zu and yeah… I live by the dice at this point.

Corliss Fortune.

That’s two votes for Zuzutoo and two votes for Corliss Fortune. We have a tie.

So we all win!

it’s funny because I was just thinking what if we tied haha.

Can’t believe it took us this long to get one!! Oh the drama!

But someone is going home tonight. Since Corliss Fortune and Zuzutoo can’t really change their votes, I’m going to go to October next to potentially break the tie. October, would you like to change your vote? If you do change your vote, Corliss will be voted off.

no hurt feelings! I’m surprised-and thrilled-that I made it this far!


ME?! No. No. I ride or die by the dice.

Okay, let’s move to Largehobbit. Largehobbit, will you change your vote? If you do, Zuzutoo will be voted off.

Egads! Can’t we all just be friends?

In the words of the late great Margaret Thatcher “This Hobbit is not for turning.” my vote remains the same.

Very well. It’s time to go to the die, no pun intended. For the two players in danger of elimination, we’re going to hold a draft for the 6 numbers on the die. Since Corliss cast her vote first, she picks first. Zuzutoo will pick second, then Corliss will pick third and so on. After all 6 numbers have been selected, I’ll roll the die. Whoever’s number appears will be safe. The other will be eliminated. Any questions?


I suck at dice rolls.

Seeing that there are no questions… Corliss Fortune, you’re up, what number do you choose first?

Um. Three!


Four 🙂



Which leaves five for Zuzutoo. A 2, 3, or 4 will result in Corliss remaining and Zuzutoo’s elimination, while a 1, 5, or 6 will result in Zuzutoo remaining and Corliss’s elimination. Let’s roll…

Shake, rattle, and roll!


The roll is… a 4. I’m sorry, Zuzutoo, but you have been eliminated from the Simming Endeavor. Please provide any last words for the remaining contestants and let us know who will be writing your character out of the story.

Dice…. Thank you to everyone involved in this show. It has been great fun and I wish all our remaining contestants the best in fortune. Thank you for the opportunity to play with you all.
Write out: LargeHobbit.

I’m sorry, Zu! You’ve been an awesome person to play with!

I knew it! Evil dice!! Zu it has been a pleasure *salutes!!

What an episode!

Until this week, Zuzutoo had voted for the correct person being eliminated in all votes except the very first. Now, to have this elimination decided by the roll of the die! What drama! This is The Simming Endeavor.

Tune in here to Ongoing Worlds next Sunday, November 17th for Episode 11 as the final 3 contestants near the end of their adventure!
USS Endeavor role play | Ongoing |
Episode 1 (Introduction) | September 8, 2019 |
Episode 2 (Abdication) | September 15, 2019 |
Episode 3 (Déjè vu) | September 22, 2019 |
Episode 4 (Humor) | September 29, 2019 |
Episode 5 (Others) | October 6, 2019 |
Episode 6 (Change) | October 13, 2019 |
Episode 7 (Switch) | October 20, 2019 |
Episode 8 (Action) | October 27, 2019 |
Episode 9 (Return) | November 3, 2019 |
Episode 10 (Random) | November 10, 2019 |
Episode 11 (Decision) | November 17, 2019 |
Episode 12 (Finale) | November 24, 2019 |

Lt. Cmdr. Aji D’moonh
“A Bad Day.”
“Racing through the dark”
“All jacked up.”
“Points of Contact”
“Carry on my wayward crew”
“Mansion of Horror Part 2”
“Down the Rabbit Hole”
“Road Trip”