Some useful articles for writing about characters

There’s quite a few articles on this website with advice for creating & writing characters that you might have missed. Here’s a list of some useful ones:
There’s quite a few articles on this website with advice for creating & writing characters that you might have missed. Here’s a list of some useful ones:
Stuck for creating a name? You could use a random generator. We’ve got a big list of links to random generators for all sorts of things, character names, planet names, Elf names, etc.
But the lists below are specifically for creating a spaceship name. Different scifi universes have different rules of spaceship names. For example the Star Trek universe normally has spaceships named after famous explorers, or positive-sounding words. Whereas the Star Wars universe has aggressive sounding names.
So, you want to include a holiday, but don’t want to have the traditional names so you don’t upset anyone who doesn’t celebrate the upcoming event. Well, why not invent your own name for it and send an OOC to your players? Read More
I know many of us don’t want to be writers for a living, though some of us might consider it. The descriptions we use often paint pictures. While some aren’t as descriptive as others, this isn’t about the level of skill. It is more a matter of how that skill is acquired. As Role-Players, we have adjusted ourselves to describe our characters and what they do in detail, sometimes venturing into the X-Rated zone.
While many find this exciting, the level of description is easy to see. Those who have RPed for awhile, or those who write stories in their free time, tend to be more descriptive than those who haven’t written for long periods. It is in the descriptors. But what are descriptors? Simply any word that describes something, including (but not limited to) color, smell, and sound. Read More
Hey guys! Tib here, thought I’d share a couple of tips and ideas that I use when I’m writing a post or trying to come up with a good Idea. So let’s begin! Shall we?
Okay so one of the biggest things I think is a problem writing posts is getting bored and staying interested in the post. This is hard to beat sometimes, you just have that thought after awhile “UGH! THIS POST IS TAKING FOREVER! THANKS A LOT ALEX!” [No hard feelings buddy :)] and you just lose interest. I agree, it does get boring after a while. But there are ways to make it better! Read More
Painters wash their brushes. Carpenters sweep up sawdust. If your medium is the written word, there’s no reminder that it’s time for a bit of upkeep and reflecting on the craft. That’s why this February, UFOP: StarBase 118 will host its annual Writing Improvement Month. The month-long event covers topics from advancing a plot to writing alien species and includes tutorials, writing samples, and downloadable resources. Each week focuses on a different element of writing: overall writing improvement, setting scenes, building characters, and plot. A new article or resource will be released each day of February, bringing with it an opportunity to further develop your individual style as a writer. Read More