OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers





Hey-o Ongoing Worlds! It’s been a while hasn’t it? Don’t answer that, we’re not actually talking and you talking to a screen with no reply really isn’t flattering. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah. The beacons are lit and I do call for aid! YOUR AID! Why? BECAUSE THE CHAT BOX NEEDS OUR HELP! Read More



Small Avatar 2Hey OW family, I’ve been away from my home for awhile [my home here at OW] and honestly, as a moderator and a member of the community, I feel I owe everybody and explanation and an apology. And that’s exactly what I’m here to do. Read More


Sitcoms and Roleplaying Games

Big Bang Theory cast w logoIn today’s entertainment world, it seems we are flooded with a plethora of shows that seem to just run into each other via plots or ideas. These shows tend to be very unsuccessful and usually end within the pilot or the first or second season if they’re lucky. But then, there are those shows that seem to triumph over the rest, the ones that stick out, the ones you might have thought you would hate but would come to love. Situation Comedies or “Sitcoms” go best with this pattern, in a way, roleplaying games can follow suit, since there are games like the baccarat online which is really popular these days. How does it relate? How do you make roleplaying games like sitcoms? Well there’s only one way to find out.  Read More


Original Characters AKA, YOUR Trademark

220px-RegisteredTM.svgOne surefire way to stay on track and expand your creative skills is to make a trademark for yourself, something you use a lot and it carries with you from place to place. This can range from something such as a signature, a saying, something personal. But, in the case of a roleplaying site i.e. Ongoing Worlds, an easy way to make a trademark is to have an original character. Why are they important and how can they make you feel more comfortable in a rp setting? Read More


Tib’s Corner – Interview with 1An0maly1, Tech in Games #YeahHesBack

Yeah. Been a while since you've seen one of these, hasn't it? WELL IT'S BACK

Yeah. Been a while since you’ve seen one of these, hasn’t it? WELL IT’S BACK

One of the biggest parts of a roleplaying game is the tech you bring into it. Technology is the big part of the story. Now you may think tech just kind of refers to more mechanical/futuristic technology such as computers. Well any kind of technology really is needed to blend a perfect roleplay. With that in mind, I got in touch with my good friend, Anomaly, Anom, or 1An0maly1 as he’s known on OW. Anom is currently studying to be an aerospace engineer and is currently interning in California. With his background knowledge, I decided he’d be the best person to talk to about this. Read More


I Made Something, And You Should Read It [It’s About Writing]

I'm tiredYeah, don’t ask me why the thumbnail to this is a picture of me really pissed off. I finished the thing and made this around 12:13 am and I have to work the same day so I was tired and cranky [pic’s a bit sloppy too]. But, long story short [trying to stride past my pissed off self] I wrote the first edition to something that could help you [or someone you know] with the in’s and out’s of the wonderful world of writing. Read More


Does Everybody Need A Character?

Army peeps

It’s not about the diversity. It’s because JIM DOESN’T KNOW WHEN TO STOP CREATING CHARACTERS!

The title may seem misleading, like “does every member need a character?” Well… yes they do, if not what’s the point of being in the game? But this is about something I’ve actually done before and I’m still a culprit for sometimes in game development. What I’m talking about is creating a character for everyone [not members] that seems to get involved in the story. Like creating one for a guy that will only be used once in a while or once, period. Doing this can lead to a giant list of characters you created that end up either forgotten or just deleted. Read More


Thank You For The Year!


Here’s to another year!

Today, June 22nd, 2014. Marks one year for me as an Ongoing Worlds member. The reason I’m making this is to thank the members of Ongoing Worlds and the countless number of the other big faces in role playing. Read More


Improvisation Challenge



I just recently experienced something truly fun and thought provoking at the same time on Facebook. It started off with the phrase “He walked into the bar, he found a seat and ate from the bowl of stale pub pretzels as he waited for the bartender to come his way.” and ended up being a random story about a man named Major Major and a woman with blue hair and time traveling to rebuild something called the Consulate. It was truly comedic yet it also kind of opened my eyes to a true challenge for a writer. Improvisation.

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COMING SOON – Ongoing Worlds Image Contest

OW-IOMHey guys! Tib here. Right now I am announcing the first Ongoing Worlds Image Of The Month contest! The contest has not started yet so please don’t start to work on anything if you plan on competing. The contest will have a theme and those who wish to participate can create an image referring to the topic and an OW game of their choosing [One that they are a part of]. If you’re thinking about competing fill out the form below and let me know! Keep an eye on the blog for any updates relating to the contest and the contest start!  *Note that this contest is limited to OW members and OW games!*

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