Jays rebuttal


So, how dare you have the temerity to censure me” Cass hissed “when you’re too smegging stupid to see past your own conceited, self-serving wants; all this whining about spending six hundred years trying to find a way to change time and save your wife and son’s life – They’re saved! Brittany did that for you! Had you succeeded in doing things your way, you’d have killed billions!”
“So you just go ahead and convince everyone here how vile a person I am! Have your pathetic little popularity contest and throw me off this ship” Cass sneered “Because from here you seem worse by far!”
Turning, she strode from the room
You could have heard a pin drop as she left

<end snip>

“You're some piece of work, you know that!” Jay yelled after her. “Tell me something, if Britney was just trying to save billions from the bugs..” he made 'air quotes' with his fingers when he said this. “Then why the smeg didn't just go back a few more years and wipe them out when there was only a handful of them, frozen in ice on New Ibiza?!”
“What are you talking about?” Cass snapped, wheeling around.
“Oh, you didn't know? The bug's had been safely cooped up, practically extinct for almost a thousand years! No-one even knew they existed...then, an archaeological dig disturbed them, they attacked New Ibiza, created a small fleet of bio-ships from their victims and multiplied very very quickly! Britney had a millenia in which she could have wiped them from the face of the galaxy and she chose instead to do it by getting them kill thousands, no BILLIONS of people first?”
“You're lying...”
“Am I?” Jay snapped “Seymour, Phil, you were both there right?”
Both men nodded.
“She could have prevented them from EVER emerging. She could have prevented them from destroying New Ibiza, Plebe and Aeron. Stopped them, from killing the billions that populated those planets!”
“She could have stopped them from provoking the Krylons into trying to wipe out ALL ORGANIC LIFE in the universe!...and when the shit hit the fan, they smegged off and left the rest of us to fight them off!”
“So don't try to tell me they did us all a favour by coaxing me into wiping them out. Sure, they're gone, but at what price? Thousands of people died in that last attack alone, not just on Blue Dwarf, but on all the other ships that were attacked at the same time. She didn't let that happen to get rid of the bugs, she did it for one reason alone. TO RECRUIT ME, and you smegging know it!”
“Come to think of it...” Jay continued “No-one ever admitted to commissioning that dig! Who's to say it wasn't Britney who arranged it?! She probably thought she could control them, use them as a weapon!”
“If she cared even a gnats smegger about the people you think she's protecting, she could have done something about it....”
“And now you...you lie to us all...you get close to us, close to ME...was it all just to stop me from trying to find Katrina and Max? Did you think if I fell for you, I'd give up, just do Britney could carry on doing the same smeg?”
Jay turned to face the rest of the assembled drive room crew.
“You've all seen what Britney's capable of. You've seen the shit THIS CLONE has built from the scraps we've got on this ship! WHAT ELSE IS SHE CAPABLE OF?!....”
“As long as she's aboard this ship, we are all in danger...you've got to see that?!”

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