Oh You Pretty Things


“Look out Bluey!” Phil whooped.

“The slime’s comin’ home!”


Plisken rhythmically tapped the tip of his sword against the floor of the shuttle. He was tapping out the rythmn to a song that he couldn't quite remember the name of but sounded good anyway. He thought he had lost the sword back on the planet but a friendly Ssala and retrived and given it back, along with his tattered grey/blue coat.

"Are you going to stop doing that any time soon?" asked Garth sharply as he massaged his head with his withered hands.

"Have we got a hang over?" teased Plisken, finding a slight return of juvenility with his younger age.

"Don't be riduculous," snapped Garth, firmly placing his hand over Plisken's hand to stop the beat, "I'm just trying to remember something."

"Yeah," said Plisken causally, "So am I."

"Hm, I doubt it's the same thing."

"You know, you're only slightly smarter than me," said Plisken defensivly, "Anyway, there was something I meant to tell everyone before we got on the shuttle."

Garth placed his head in the palm of his hand, "Have you really forgotten?"

"It was something to do with Jeff..."

The shuttle craft glided into the docking bay, expertly piloted by Jay.

"He could have been one of my pilots with skill like that," said Plisken absent mindedly.

The shuttle set down snuggly between several Blue Midgets and Jay opened the doors. The crew fell out, some glad to be back and some already missing the greenry of the planet below. The crew had little respite as a loud roar came from a short distance off.

"Oh, that's it!" said Plisken happily, "Some of the Huzzards have mutated!"

And to reinforce his point, a large bloated huzzard bounded down into the shuttle bay (Plisken recognised it as Jeff but very few cared at this point in time).

"Can we not have just two minutes of piece?" sighed Garth.

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