Crackers and nuts.

<snip> Jamie clapped an arm around Gavin’s shoulders and turned him away towards the exit “You’ll get used to it lad. In the meantime, while we’re journeying down to the Arboretum, let me point out one or two of the more horrifying engineering disasters that we’ve got, waiting to happen...”

“Okay everyone” Jay powered up his rifle “Let’s move it out...”

“Lizard people…..of course. Lizard people that Holly had cultivated into a Bronze Age society. What computer DOES that?” Brett pondered out loud.

“Well, two options come immediately to mind,” Ransom cut into Brett’s vocal thoughts. “The first is that Holly has computer senility. This usually occurs if it has been kept on too long. Way too much run-time, no human crew for millions of years to give him a switch-off so he, it, can do a proper maintenance check. OR he was rebuilt and had much of his factory settings left out.”

“Numero tuno.” Jay piped in. “Cass rebuilt him.”

“Ah, you see? That explains a lot.” Ransom smiled at his own correct conclusion.

“Well, not to me. I’m sorry, but ever since I popped out of stasis, which felt like only one hour ago, I feel like I’ve fallen into a Douglas Adams, or Terry Pratchett novel. When did the universe, of which admittedly I’ve seen very little of, but still, when did it get so bizarre?”
A few of his crewmates were about to say something, but Brett was on a roll. “I mean, as of this minute we are going to negotiate land treaties via a brain in a fishtank, treaties with lizard people…

“Huzards.” Ransom, Jay and Dr.South said in unison.

“..yes, sorry! Land treaties with “Huzards” and super evolved vermin who, so not very long ago tried to EAT me! And took poor…

“Gavin.” Said Gavin.

“...right, Gavin here hostage. I won't even start with the fish GELFs, it's taking all of my willpower not to run screaming as it is. This is not normal. People are falling out of different dimensions, times and what-nots all around us,” he said while pointing at Ransom and South. “We were attacked by a vacation resort and I’m just thankful the murderous hologram was dealt with before I arrived, I’m sorry it wasn’t before the ship’s only doctor LOST HER ARM to it!”

“Brett, get hold of yourself man!” Jay grabbed both his shoulders to try and calm him.

“I’m sorry Jay, I...I just…..” He turned to the two newcomers. “Gavin, Superior, I don’t mean to make your awakening awkward, I’m sorry, but I’m a smeggin’ CHEF, not Brett Bishop, Space Adventurer. Did you know there is a family of sea-monkeys living in a medieval castle in one of the cargo holds? Well, there is! And I nearly killed the father when I left stasis.”


“Don’t worry Dr. South, I don’t think I did. Listen, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for going off, I need to deal with this. I lost….I lost someone……recently…well, three million years ago to be precise but it only just felt like......” He snapped his head up suddenly. “I’m going to a kitchen. I need to bake.”

<TAG> The negotiator team. I think I tagged everyone in the immediate vicinity.

Looks like Brett is having a little bit of a breakdown, can you blame him? Is there a Deanna Troy aboard??
Did I get that right about Holly? Cass rebuilt him? I seem to recall that being said but I didn't see it in her profile.

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