Run Away, Run Away!

“You silly Luna Elf child; I asked for your shadows, not a ball of fucking light!” Cali chided the sorceress. The timing was suspect; it probably was the spell’s intrusion into the next room that triggered the sarcophagi to open, but that likely would have happened no matter the magical aura, shadow or light. The dark Witch stepped aside as Majvoc approached the door. They didn’t know what was on the other side, but they could see well enough what was on this side. Majvoc had the right idea.

“Jorvik, kindly open this door?” She spoke to the warrior, but was looking to each of the dead and rotting guardians before them; heeding Luna’s advice to ensure they were watched by someone at all times. That was unlikely to be a problem, none of the others seemed to be able to pull their eyes away.

<<Kespin found the whole scene thrilling, a real change of pace. "Finally, a necromancer that knows his stuff! The magic that had to be used to pull this off is mesmerizing!">>

Caligari nudged Kespin with her elbow and her tone was a mix of admonishment and flirtatious. “You know, old man, I brought back to life an army of the dead thirty strong less than two moons ago, but this horde is what impresses you?” Was she actually jealous?

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