Beach party and burgers

Heath nodded in agreement. "The pizza is probably better than the tacos though." He paused and then said to JD. "When you get a chance, you should check out some of the local places to eat. Sometimes they let us off school grounds to go into town."

Rose then realized what Heath had said and added. "There is a really good Diner in town. " She had managed to go to it when she was last in school. "They have some of the best burgers."

After swallowing a bite of food “I have only been back in the states a few months and I do miss a good burger. I have been in Gaeta Italy for years its halfway between Naples and Rome. They don’t have much in the way of burger places only on base. The cafes are the best and do miss their coffee.” He takes a drink from his water bottle. “We should all take a trip to the burger place and the beach. Blossom had the grate idea to through a beach party maybe this weekend” said JD.

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