
My summer sucked...not that anyone asked. Just saying. Kansas is a bummer. Flat. Real Flat."
After looking around for a bit Ashley looked around and saw others were missing as well.

Ashley: By the way where is JD, Rose and Sam? Are they running late?

Conner was not sure about Kanas. "only been through there a few times and I do remember it being flat and going forever on the drive back" He said sitting with the others with a lot of food on his tray. " Jocelyn where are you from in Kansas?" he asked. As he started to eat. "JD, Rose, and Sam. They went out to eat. JD did not even invite me." says Conner. "why?" asked Conner.

Ashley paused as she took a bite and slowly chewed her food. She was a bit confused by that answer since it sounded a bit off. She wondered how they got permission so quickly to leave campus just to go out and eat at a restaurant. Then she shrugged it off as it was not her business and chewed her meal.

Jack was quietly eating his burger and fries hoping to avoid the conversation. He wanted to leave and eat alone since he was worn out by Ashley's controlling nature. So he sipped his drink and quietly ate as he looked down at his tray.

Blossom on the other hand was trying to follow the conversation as best as she could but some of the slang words left her a bit confused. She was still trying to get used to Cali slang and adding slang from other states just made it worse. So she quietly nibbled on her fries in a cute manner as she listened patiently. Now and then Ashley would translate for her.

Justin on the other hand was listening to the gossip since he seemed to be interested in it. He did love a good tale, especially if it involved drama. He felt it was better live than on a tv show. He also gave Kyle a glance or two now and then.

Heath heard Conner's response as well, so, that's who was missing. "I texted with Sam earlier. They had something to take care of." He paused not sure if he should say more because he didn't want to spread any more rumors. He didn't know if Ashley and Blossom saw Rose and Sam at practice.

Kyle said hi and smiled at the others as they sat down. When Kansas was mentioned he spoke up. "I've been through there. It does seem pretty flat." Upon hearing the mention of Rose, Sam, and JD Kyle took a breath. "Things? Huh? People are talking about how they left in SUV. " He sighed. "Next we know they'll be saying the three of them were abducted by aliens." It was how rumors went they just got crazier and crazier and Kyle really hated when that happened to people he liked.

Courtney spoke up "Well, that's true about people talking like they know what they are talking about when they have no idea." She then turned to Ashley and Blossom. "Aren't you two cheerleaders? I thought I saw you at the practice when I was headed to basketball practice."

Ashley smiled and nodded as she covered her mouth and swallowed her food politely.

Ashley: Why yes we are. I'm Ashley and this is Blossom. She is our new adorable flyer.

Blossom blushed and tried not to choke on the compliment. Though it was nice to have Ashley stick up for her.

Blossom: I'm Blossom, like a flower? I'm from Map Dot, Montana.

Ashley: But were are on the Freshmen squad so we have a lot to learn. And you are?


< Prev : People Talking Next > : Hometowns and Too much energy.