25 Years, The Evolution of a Club
A Star Trek fan group and a 90210 fan group went to battle on Prodigy.
Sounds more like a lead-up to a joke than a legacy, but then again, as they say, sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. Read More
Category: Roleplaying community Tags: anniversary, history of roleplaying, Lindsay Bayes, star trek, STF 2 Comments
A Star Trek fan group and a 90210 fan group went to battle on Prodigy.
Sounds more like a lead-up to a joke than a legacy, but then again, as they say, sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. Read More
By Charles Star
Category: Roleplaying community Tags: Brexit, history of roleplaying, Squexit 14 Comments
On Thursday, June 23rd, voters in Great Britain elected to withdraw from the European Union (EU) with 51.9% of the ballots cast. This event received wide media coverage and led to the resignation of United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron. The political, economic, and social repercussions of the “Brexit” (British Exit) continue to be debated by pundants.
The Squiddie voted to remain our mascot, preventing a possible Squexit.
While the world tuned into the unfolding Brexit decision last week, the media missed another important vote: The Squexit! Fortunately for us, our very own Squiddie elected to remain the Ongoing Worlds mascot for the foreseeable future. With both the Brexit & Squexit still very much on our minds, here are the top 10 (+1) splits from simming and online role playing history.
By David Ball
Category: Behind the scenes - running RPGs Tags: history of roleplaying, Yahoo! Groups 2 Comments
This article was written for us by Sam Jones from the roleplaying game “Chronicles of Gaea”.
As you may or may not have heard, Yahoo! is going through some financial difficulties. This isn’t a huge surprise to those of us who have been using their products for years, but it still is something of concern, especially for the simming community.
Yahoo! Groups has been invaluable (and, even further back, Egroups and ONElist) for play-by-email simming. I, personally, have been using them for fifteen years. They archived everything, so as long as your old sim group wasn’t deleted, all the posts still exist. Permissions issues notwithstanding. Read More
By Charles Star
Category: Behind the scenes - running RPGs, Interviews, Play-by-post discussion, Roleplaying community Tags: history of roleplaying, Mike Bremer 4 Comments
Mike Bremer
Last week I had the opportunity to ask simming legend Mike Bremer a few questions. Mike needs no introduction as he’s arguably one of the most important leaders in simming and online role playing history. Mike started his career in Allied Electronic Simulations (AES) way back in 1996. After moving over to Tango Fleet later that year, he then co-founded Bravo Fleet with Pat Weber in 1997. Mike served as Bravo Fleet Commanding Officer (BFCO) from 1998 to 2004 and grew it into one of the first true mega-clubs of the Internet era. Mike has received numerous accolades over the course of his career, including the 2011 Simming Prize and, most recently, the 2015 Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Role Playing (aka the Squiddie). Mike also hosts the Starbase 400 sim (SB400, previously known as the USS Pegasus), which is incidentally one of the sims he joined back in 1996! Starbase 400 has won multiple awards for its high-quality and longevity. With that, I present to you, Mike Bremer in his own words… Read More
By Charles Star
Category: Roleplay Systems, Roleplay-related projects, Roleplaying community Tags: history of roleplaying 16 Comments
Much like the origin of the universe, the beginnings of the simming and online role playing community remain shrouded in mystery. Sure, we know that it developed out of fan fiction on primordial online services of the late 1980s and early 1990s, but we lack specifics, and many of the details we do have are quite vague.
Records exist for many of the major players and significant historical events, but we miss a lot of the nuance. It is also highly likely that there are pockets of our cosmos that we don’t even know about it, and now may never know about.
In the approximately 25 years since our creation, clubs, much like stars, have come and gone. And role-plays, much like planets have come and gone too. The community is much different now than it was then. Indeed, just as the physical universe is more mature and less volatile than it was during its early days, our demographic is older and our universe more stable as well. But how will it all end? Here are three possibilities: The Big Freeze, The Big Crunch, and The Big Bounce.
Read More
By Charles Star
Category: Awards, Competition, Events, Roleplaying community Tags: history of roleplaying, James D. West, Jouko, Kenny Gillis, Mike Bremer, Squiddies, Star Trek Borderlands, Stargate Ancient Legacy 6 Comments
It’s time! That’s right, it’s time to present our top award for the entire simming and online role playing community: the Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Roleplaying… better known as the Squiddie. For anyone who isn’t familiar with the award, we present three respective citations annually for Excellence in Role Playing, Facilitating the Community Experience, and Originality & Innovation.
We received 30 outstanding nominations this year. However, we are only able to present Squiddies to three: one club, one game, and one person. And believe me when I say that picking the winners was extremely difficult as there were many absolutely fantastic nominees! Without any further ado, here are the winners of the 2015 Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Roleplaying: Read More
By chas
Category: Roleplaying community Tags: history of roleplaying, Senile rapture 4 Comments
If you’re about to embark on a new fitness journey, you may be wondering what kind of advice you would receive from a personal trainer or coach. Now, we would hate for you to miss out, so we have decided to share some important lessons learnt along the way. The Happy Way founders Ben and Hien began their careers as personal trainers after all. So, while we can’t keep an eye on your form and tell you to drop and do ten, what we can do is offer you the kind of mindset and preparation that will make a difference between tipping your toes in the water and a lifelong commitment to living a healthier life. Because fitness is not about comparing yourself to others and proving your worth on Instagram, it’s about becoming the best version of yourself possible. It’s about being strong, powerful and having the kind of energy you truly deserve. So take note.
The ten tips personal trainers want you to know before you embark into the world of fitness, this is how visishield works.
If you are looking to form a long term commitment to fitness, then identifying the ‘why’ of your journey will mean the difference between an unused gym membership and a lifelong pledge to yourself. Before you sign on the dotted line, before you invest in new gym wear and before you stack up on protein powders and powerful supplements, take the time to identify your driving factors. Is it a desire to be healthier, to have more energy or to fit back into those favourite jeans? Whatever drives you, put it into writing and make it a permanent reminder. Leave sticky notes next to your alarm clock, on your mirror, in the bathroom and remind yourself why you’re pushing ahead even on your hardest of days.
Remember that you are not in competition with anyone else but yourself. Become the best possible version of ‘YOU’ because you are deserving of it.
If you live on Instagram and love social media, then you may feel like a new fitness fad is just around the corner. Whether it be KX Pilates one day and boxing the next, there is always a shiny new form of exercise to keep us engaged. But if you really want to commit to something long term, don’t follow the crowds but rather find a way of keeping fit that suits both your tastes and lifestyle. Consider whether you like big classes or smaller and more intimate settings. Consider whether you want to work on your cardio, flexibility or both and consider whether you want to be outdoors or indoors. With most gyms and classes offering introductory packages and free trials, the time to test the waters has never been better.
Don’t forget that the biggest gym in the world is free. The great outdoors offers the perfect backdrop for walks, runs, bike rides and hikes. Why not start by getting more active outside before you dive into a membership at your local gym, read more about exipure.
When it comes to gym clothes, shoes or supplements, it’s less about being part of a clique and more about having the tools to perform. While some labels have gained somewhat of a cult status within the realm of fashion and food (yes, yes we know Happy Way is thecoolest protein powder to own), investing in P.E. Nation tights or a quality powder may mean the difference between an enjoyable gym session and a speedy recovery or an uncomfortable session. If you are taking up running, invest in running shoes which will deliver support. If you are taking on a gym membership, invest in gym clothes which will help keep you cool, dry and will provide extra support for your muscles and if you want to take your post-workout recovery up a notch, invest in quality protein powders which will help you recover faster.
Also, if we’re really honest, there is a motivation factor that comes with putting on a brand new pair of tights and runners. If you look the part, you will also feel the part. Treat yourself to some new gym threads because you deserve it.
Embarking on a fitness journey is half the battle, the other half is longevity and making it a part of your life for years to come. This is where your girl gang can step in to help. While your entire friendship group may not be into fitness or exercising in the great outdoors, find that one friend that will keep you accountable and will come on the journey with you. Even better, be that positive influence on your friends by inviting them to gym trials with you or by suggesting a takeaway coffee and walk instead of your usual sit down breakfast or brunch date. Small changes deliver the biggest results because they are sustainable and will become a welcome part of your lifestyle. For more information about healthy supplements visit sfexaminer.com.
If you can’t find a partner who will consistently join you at the gym, become your own best friend. Write encouraging notes to yourself and leave them at your desk, at your bedside table and in places that will surprise you when you need the encouragement the most. When seeking healthy habits, you should check out this Mind body podcasts.
Before you step into hour-long sessions at the gym and block off several mornings a week, start with smaller and consistent steps, then work your way up. This goes both for the number of sessions you commit to and the intensity you put into each workout. If you have been planning on taking up running as an example, don’t start with hour-long runs which will leave you burning out before your first week is even up. Instead, opt for 15 minute runs instead and work your way up. The sample principle should be applied to your gym classes. Don’t be a hero and book into an intermediate or advanced class because it sounds tougher. Allow your body to ease into the routine and avoid injury by pushing your body below its limits.
By Charles Star
Category: Advertising your game, Behind the scenes - running RPGs, Play-by-post discussion, Roleplay Systems, Roleplaying community Tags: AOL, Facebook, history of roleplaying, Independence Fleet, James D. West, recruiting, Twitter, USS Sunfire, Utopia Fleet 16 Comments
No single factor plays a greater role in determining the success of a sim or club than recruiting. Read More
By David Ball
Category: OngoingWorlds site news Tags: anniversary, Blue Dwarf, history of roleplaying, Milestone 1 Comment
This article was written by Andy Longman from Blue Dwarf.
7,884,000 minutes
131490 hours
5475 days
15 years.
All of these are big numbers. And all of these tell us exactly how long the Blue Dwarf sim has been running.
From it’s first ever story post on 23rd April 2000, to today people have been continually contributing to the ongoing saga. Read More
By Charles Star
Category: Awards, Events, Roleplaying community Tags: FSF Ignatius, history of roleplaying, Seth Cotis, Simming prize 3 Comments
EDIT – The winner for this award has been announced here.
Please allow me to confirm the rumor… The 2013 Simming Prize is officially open for nominations! I recently had the opportunity to sit down with FSF Ignatius, the Prize’s administrator, and he filled me in on the details. All simmers and online role players are permitted to submit their favorites from among the community through June 27, 2014 at the following link:
The winners will be announced at the end of July.
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