Runes and Riddles

Jorrik walked behind the group, his sword still drawn as he kept the rear guard. He studied the dark blade as the shadows shifted this way and that along the surface. Perhaps The elf girls was right and he should discard it, bu there was something about it, something compelling that caused him to keep hold of it, at least for now. He laughed darkly to himself and shook his head.

This sudden expansion of the company was no accident there was a design to it all. The runes that he always saw were clear now and not only formed patterns about each individual but also moved between. Was it the flow of Destiny her saw there with his magical sight? What he knew for certain was that he could not leave them now, no matter how dark the quest. Not with answers so close.

About Balar and Tiella the runes were solid and constantly moving between them, they were bound stronger than iron and he did not need his second sight to recognise that. The visions about Luna blazed out with moonlight silver and were sometimes to bright he felt the need to guard his eyes.

Majvoc showed little but when runes did appear they were hazed by shadow or flickered in and out of existence as if they knew he could see them. The Dwarves, Dyvia and Radis were solid and strong. He felt like he could almost touch the tunic visions that flowed about them, perhaps he should try...

The old man Kespin was a maelstrom of magic and runes flew about him in a chaotic blur, while the newcomers Garand and Miles were similar if not so irratic. Then there was the Jotun, around the Jotun he saw nothing. It was more than an absence, it was like a void, a negative space. More than any of them the giant made him nervous.

Up ahead Balar called a halt as they came to a tunnel blocked by a cave in. Great jagged boulders barred the way out.

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