Digging for Goodies

Jaxx helped Eveline try to find something useful in the wreckage along with the others.

"Anyone found anything else? Also, how many more of us are there? Who is this Cass that's missing?" Jade asked, looking around at the others.

Jaxx and Eveline looked at Dr. Jade and shrugged. Jaxx said, "Sorry Doc J. She was not to nice to me last time I said hi. Dunno much else." The Eveline tapped Jaxx on the shoulder and pointed out some loose steel pipes. Eveline said, "Hey Jaxx help me pull off these pipes." Jaxx smiled at Eveline and said, "Oh ok Eve." Then Jaxx firmly grabbed a broken pipe and twisted it off the connecting pipe and handed it to Eve. Then he removed the one next to it for himself. Eveline held the steel pipe like a bat and said, "Much better than the wood club. Thanks Jaxx." Jaxx smiled and nodded as he said, "No problemo Eve babe. These are a lot stronger than the club."

Just then Eveline found a fire extinguisher and smiled, "What do we have here?" Eveline read the instruction on the side and the warning "Contains liquid Hailen. Do not release near eyes or mouth. May cause blindness and possible vomiting." Then Eveline said, "Check this out Jaxx we can use the fire extinguishers to blind the blue monsters." Jaxx looked at Eveline in amazement as he said, "Whoooooa that is so awesome Eve. You are totally good at this stuff. Do we have anymore?" Eveline looked around and found another fire extinguisher and handed it to Jaxx as she showed him how to use it.

The rest of the crew continued t

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