Greater Game

Theo took the offensive as a Sister and a Legionnaire circled him, slashing at the Sister's feet to throw her off balance. The gambit succeeded as the warrior was forced back before she could defend herself.
A cry brought both of their attentions to the soldier, who was now being dragged to the ground by several undead.
The emergence of draugr to the fight made Theo and the Sister look at each other, making a silent pact before combating the draugr together.
Dyvia was all to joyful to enact revenge on the Sisters, delivering the finishing blow to another warrior before searching for Sigrid.
She spotted the woman, nearly cleaving a draugr in two before running to her next target.
As she made to cut her off, she saw Sigrid being challenged by one of their new members, Miles.
"So much for revenge, though he would probably have better luck in the end."
Her pause was taken advantage of, a kick sending her flying to the ground.
"Finally, I thought I would never get the chance to silence your smart mouth."
The warrior held her blade high, but the strike never came as she was flung into the air.
Erik's return swing was more devastating, Legion and Sister alike flying across the battlefield.
Helping Dyvia to her feet, he looked to see where he would be needed.
The draugr were decent in battle, those that still had muscle enough to wield weapons. Arrows pelted him again and he immediately charged in the direction hey came from, making sure to kick and smash any foe in between.
Kespin kept to the outskirts of the fight, watching the fight with a childlike amusement. The necromancer was a sight, if only they were younger.....
A stray soldier flew onto his back, the Jotun carving a path to his targets.
As the soldier came to, the snow suddenly opened and swallowed the hapless man.
Looking away, he spotted his would-be captor, fighting alongside one of the so-called Sisters.
"Many a character being brought here. Methinks a greater game is at play here."

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