Helping Out (open)

Saturday, beach trip, after breakfast

Dawn was glad to see the recruitment at breakfast, seemed to have worked, and there were enough volunteers to help with the stuff for the musical theater kids opening number that it should take no time at all to get it put together. She herself was in a back closed-off area with one of the costume volunteers, getting pinned so the costume could be taken up just a little. A few students, along with one of the chaperones, had volunteered to run back to the school and grab a few sewing machines to bring back so the costume fixing could be done quicker.

April and Zander were with some of the nerds in the back working getting the lighting set up with computers for each act. Kyle was in between filming the current goings on and helping with the lighting as he knew stage direction and what looked right more than the nerds.

Sam, in between picture taking, was helping in various areas. She was stopped by Nancy who made the mistake of opening her mouth.

"Hey, Sam," Nancy said. "Are you getting pictures for the yearbook?"

"Yeah." Sam said as she wondered what Nancy wanted.

"Are you going to be the photographer for the newspaper, as well?" Nancy asked.


"Oh, great. I was thinking that maybe you could do a photo essay. Like a student of the month thing." Nancy looked around and Sam noticed the other girl seemed to focus on Rose for a few moments. "You could start with your best friend. You know give the readers some insights to her. Maybe, tell us some secrets we don't know."

Sam was currently helping paint the fake fountain. She stood up paint brush in hand, holding it back. "No."

"Oh, come on you must know stuff. Everyone, wants to know what happened to her?"

"NO! I wouldn't ever do that to anyone but especially not my best friend." Sam pulled the brush back.

"Ugh!" Nancy exclaimed. "I'm never going to find out."

"Kind of the point of a secret." Sam wasn't happy about this conversation but was willing to let it go until Nancy spoke up again.

"Rose wouldn't give me anything when I spoke to her earlier, either and then JD stepped in. "

"You bothered Rose about this." Sam seethed between her teeth. She took the large paint brush full of white paint and put one stroke of it down Nancy's face. "Don't you ever bother Rose again with your insane need for gossip."

Heath heard Sam's voice raise but couldn't get over there fast enough to stop the paint brush. He did stop Sam from putting more paint on Nancy by gently grabbing her wrist. "She's not worth getting into trouble over." Heath calmly said which got Sam to lower her hand.

Heath then turned to Nancy. "You should go, now."

Nancy turned and stormed off, indignant about being covered with paint. Once she was out of ear shot, a few people started chuckling, one girl said. "About time someone did that to Nancy. She's such a gossip."

Heath noticed Rose coming over. Once Rose was there Sam said to her. "You didn't tell me Nancy had bothered you."

"It was nothing. JD took care of it. I didn't think it was worth mentioning. Sorry, I guess I should have warned you." Rose said.

"Well, thank JD for me but, yeah, next time tell me." Sam shook her head. "It's fine. We should get back to work."

Heath then said to Sam, "I'll help you finish the fountain."

Sam agreed and Rose went back over to help touch up the backgrounds.

Kaylee arrived and was set to work helping mend some of the sets.

Courtney wanted to pound something or work on fixing something to take her mind off of things. She was known as being good at fixing stuff and was set to work putting on or fixing the wheels on the moving parts of the sets.

Matt had taken a bit of a longer way there and he walked in, he saw Courtney, and avoided her. He offered to move some things and that was quickly accepted. He got to work moving some of the sets, props and other things around to where they needed to go.


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