Showing posts 916 - 930 of 15129

Quickie - Part 1

Nov 2, 2013, 11:09am by Alex Solvay

Post tub and powdered evening-enhancer, Solvay and the bunny girl were feeling pretty good. They’d stepped out of the hotel for some air and were currently making the ...

Carry on.

Nov 2, 2013, 2:54am by Jackykong

"Alex!" Jacky squealed into the communicator upon his awakening. There was no response. Did he forget his communicator? Was it off? Was Jacky's broken? Jacky didn't know. As in many s ...

Route Recalculation

Nov 1, 2013, 6:00pm by BlackNebula

The blue orb in Jade’s hand began to glow brighter and became immensely hot, causing her to curse and drop it. It flew a few feet away from her - narrowly missing Plisken’s head, who, on ...

You spin me right round baby right round...

Nov 1, 2013, 4:46pm by BaronVonLongman

The tourists weren’t sure what made them scream more,the twisting, spinning twirling theme park ride that hung over the edge of the Las Vegas Stratosphere, 900 feet up, or the fact that a ...

In the Spotlight 3

Nov 1, 2013, 3:27pm by Jaxx

OOC- I will out of town this weekend at a Camp Out. Be back Sunday evening Skutter Jaxx replied on the radio, “Yo bro. What’s up?” However no one replied to Skutter Jaxx’s ...

Who Doesn't Like Bond?

Nov 1, 2013, 11:34am by Mobius64

The world around Plisken began to shift. That strange familiar smell of old books filled his nose as she felt the ground give way under her for a split second and the Time Drive clawed her t ...

How Can I Do It Alone?

Nov 1, 2013, 8:25am by amoeba42

The blue orb hovered, it's cyan glow filtering across the groaning cops. One of them recovered enough presence of mind to hit his emergency response button on his radio. There was a hissing ...

In the Spotlight 2

Nov 1, 2013, 6:43am by Jaxx

Evelina dropped her jaw as she recognized her Jaxx on tv and quickly asked a stranger where the robots were at. After realizing she past the tournament on the way she quickly made fo ...

A Stroll in the Desert

Nov 1, 2013, 5:39am by Stitch


OOC - jay

Oct 31, 2013, 7:29pm by BaronVonLongman

Awesome post Kenneth, but I just wanted to point out, Jay wasn't arrested. He materialised there and promptly escaped and is making his way to Vegas! (Even if he were arrested, he'd not ...

Blue Orb of Death

Oct 31, 2013, 6:57pm by BlackNebula

Kenneth was feeling better. The taste of lemon had departed for pastures new, and he had a Task to complete. So, trying to find a match for these goggles. Right. Scanning. Processing.. ...

OOC - whoops

Oct 31, 2013, 11:10am by BaronVonLongman

We have some story clashing here! Artie, as Amy posted a good two hours before you, can I ask you to try to merge the two, if not, hers is gonna have to stand. Cheers. ...

The Investors (To Be Finished Later)

Oct 31, 2013, 10:09am by Retired.

Grandpa Artie rushed about the boardroom getting ready for the meeting. Artemis himself stood idly, having no idea what to do except ponder the fate of Uncle Greg some more Back on Blu ...

Who Are You? Who oo, oo, oo?

Oct 31, 2013, 8:14am by amoeba42

"Hey honey? You alright darlin'?" The thick accent cut through the fog of confusion. Jade stumbled and clipped the corner of something sharp. The light amps slipped, Jade gaining a half gari ...

Stuck in a fridge and you're to blame, you give Gelfs...a bad name

Oct 31, 2013, 7:51am by Mobius

Where:The Time Fridge When : Smeg knows, but a LOOOOOOONG time since Phil created the Uber-Kebab Who:Phil, Mini-Phil and the best kebab in all of history "No...Bad Mini-me...the kebab i ...

Showing posts 916 - 930 of 15129